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cancel(PCTask) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTasksManager
cancelAllTasks() - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTasksManager
Stops all the tasks
cancelAllTasksByTag(PCTasksManager.TaskTag) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTasksManager
Stops all the tasks which were assigned the target PCTasksManager.TaskTag
checkRoot() - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Function to check if device is rooted
Returns true if root detected
Does not checks if BusyBox presents
clearCaches() - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Used for clear caches
confirm(PCGeneralCallback) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCLogin
Performs logging in after PCLogin.requestLoginTransaction(PCUser, GetLoginTransactionCallback) is finished with success for a target PCUser
confirm(PCKeysProcessor, PCLoginCallback) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCLogin
Performs logging in after PCLogin.requestLoginTransaction(PCUser, GetLoginTransactionCallback) is finished with success for a target PCUser
createBackupData(PCUser, String, PCUserBackupCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUserRestore
Creates a set of backup data which can be used to restore the key on another device.
This data is sensitive and must be placed in secure area like private folder in user's Google Drive
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