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ScoringSettings - Class in tech.paycon.sdk.v5
Scoring settings provided by PC server.
Can be obtained by calling PCUsersManager.getScoringSettings(PCUser, PCGetScoringSettingsCallback)
ScoringSettings() - Constructor for class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
setAlternativeLogger(AlternativeLogger) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Changes the way in which SDK writes log
setAttributes(Map<String, String>) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
Sets a new dictionary of attributes.
Normally, app does not have to use this method unless scoring settings are being deserialized
setAuthData(Object) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCExtendedAuth
Set Extended Authentication data (e.g.
setCallbacksInvokedInMainThread(boolean) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Defines whether the callbacks passed to various methods which involve interaction with server should be invoked in main thread or not.
setCapabilities(List<String>) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
Sets a new list of capabilities.
Normally, app does not have to use this method unless scoring settings are being deserialized
setCodeExpirationInterval(PCUser.PCCodeType, int) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUser
Set generated signatures and codes expiration interval
By default - 180 seconds
setConfirmation(PCConfirmation) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCConfirmationResult
Sets confirmation result
setCustomerId(String) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
Sets a new customer ID.
Normally, app does not have to use this method unless scoring settings are being deserialized
setCustomHttpHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Sets custom HTTP headers which are added to every query to PC External until new headers are set by next call of this function
setDeclination(PCDeclination) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCDeclinationResult
Sets declination result
setError(PCAbstractError) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCActionResult
Sets an error occurred while processing transaction
setFixedApiVersion(boolean) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Determines whether the API version for a particular PCUser is fixed once it has been discovered.
By default, the API version is not remembered between the sessions which means that every time before the new session with PC Server is established, the actual API version is being resolved.
setGibSID(String) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
Sets session id which was supplied by the app to GIB Mobile SDK
setHandlesBackgroundTimeout(int) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Defines maximum period (in milliseconds), during which handles for private keys will be kept while the app in the background.
setLogLevel(int) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCSDK
Set PCSDK SDK log level
setLogUrl(String) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
Sets a new logs URL.
Normally, app does not have to use this method unless scoring settings are being deserialized
setSignature(String) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCConfirmation
setTargetUrl(String) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.ScoringSettings
Sets a new logs Target URL.
Normally, app does not have to use this method unless scoring settings are being deserialized
setTransaction(PCTransaction) - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCActionResult
Sets the transaction to be processed
setTransactionBinaryData(PCTransaction, InputStream, PCSetTransactionBinaryDataCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTransactionsManager
Sets binary data for the transaction.
sign(PCUser, PCTransaction, PCSignCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTransactionsManager
Sing (confirm) transaction
sign(PCUser, PCTransaction, PCExtendedAuth, PCSignCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTransactionsManager
Sign (confirm) transaction with Extended authentication
sign(PCUser, List<PCTransaction>, PCKeysProcessor, PCMultipleConfirmationCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTransactionsManager
Sign (confirm) multiple transactions
sign(PCUser, List<PCTransaction>, PCKeysProcessor, ScoringSettings, PCExtendedAuth, PCMultipleConfirmationCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTransactionsManager
Sign (confirm) multiple transactions
signOffline(PCUser, PCTransaction) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCTransactionsManager
Sign in offline-mode
store(PCUser, String, String) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUsersManager
store(PCUser, String, String, PCStoreCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUsersManager
Stores a new user or updates an existing object in storage.
User's keys are encrypted with provided password before being stored.
If new user is being stored, condition PCUser.isReadyToAutoSign() == true must be satisfied.
submitPassword(PCUser, String) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUsersManager
submitPassword(PCUser, String, PCSubmitPasswordCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUsersManager
Submits password for the target PCUser, extracted from storage.
Switches PCUser.isReadyToAutoSign() to true.
In case PCUser.areOnlineCredentialsRequired() returns true, this method performs a network request and the passed callback is invoked asynchronously with some delay.
success(PCLogin) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCLogin.GetLoginDataCallback
Called when JSON is parsed successfully and PCLogin object is constructed for further usage
success(PCTransaction) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCLogin.GetLoginTransactionCallback
Called when transaction for given user is created successfully and user can login.
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCActivateCallback
Called upon a successful activation
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCAutoSignerCallback
Invoked when AutoSigner is successfully attached to target PCUser
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCCallback
Success method execution
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCDeclineCallback
Invoked when transaction is declined successfully
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGeneralCallback
Invoked upon any successful result when no value must be returned
success(PCCertificateInfo) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGetCertificateInfoCallback
Invoked when certificate info is successfully extracted
success(PCOperation) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGetOperationCallback
Invoked when operation data is successfully downloaded
success(byte[]) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGetPublicKeyCallback
Called when key pair is ready to be used
success(ScoringSettings) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGetScoringSettingsCallback
Success method execution
success(PCTransaction) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGetTransactionBinaryDataCallback
Invoked when binary data is successfully acquired.
success(PCTransaction) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCGetTransactionCallback
Invoked when transaction data is successfully downloaded
success(String[]) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCListOperationsCallback
Invoked when the list of operations is successfully acquired
success(String[]) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCListTransactionsCallback
Invoked when the list of transactions is successfully acquired
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCLoginCallback
success(PCUser) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCMigrationCallback
Called upon a successful migration
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCNetCallback
Invoked upon successful interaction with the server
success(PCUser) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCRenewCallback
Called when key information has been successfully renewed
success(PCUser) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCRestoreCallback
Invoked when user is successfully restored
success(PCUser.ExtendedAuthMethods) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCRestoreMethodsCallback
Success method execution
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCSetTransactionBinaryDataCallback
Invoked when binary data is set successfully
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCSignCallback
Invoked when transaction is signed successfully
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCStoreCallback
Called when PCUser has been stored (or updated) successfully
success() - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCSubmitPasswordCallback
Called when the correct password has been submitted successfully
success(PCUserBackupData) - Method in interface tech.paycon.sdk.v5.utils.PCUserBackupCallback
Invoked when set of backup data is successfully created and can be used to restore the user
suggestUsers() - Method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCLogin
Returns array of PCUser objects which can be used to log in with scanned QR
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