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migrate(String, String, String, Certificate, PCMigrationCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.sdk.v5.PCUsersManager
Performs migration of the key from PCSDK 4 to the current version of PCSDK.
The prerequisites to calling this method are the following: Both PCSDK 4 and the current PCSDK are embedded into the same application The key being migrated is active in PCSDK 4 (i.e., accessible via PCSDK 4 methods, not expired) The given value of source and the certificate are obtained from PCSDK 4 method PCKey.exportRawWithCertificate(...). The given value of password is the same as was used in PCSDK 4 Note that after the successful migration the key will present in both the current PCSDK and PCSDK 4.
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