PC API Reference


PC Server answer structure

    "answer_type": "[answer_type - request depends]",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "[error_message]",
            "error_code": [error_code]
        "[answer_type - response object]": {
            "[response object field 1]":"[content]",
            "[response object field N]":"[content]"
    "answer_version": [answer version - for PC version 6.0 this value is 3]

There is API Reference for PC Server
For better understand, how to use this API, we recommend to read further documents:

  • Architecture and functionality presentation
  • Architecture and functionality

PC API is REST-API. E.g. it uses HTTP request with methods GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE to make any actions.
PC uses Content-Type:application/json with methods POST, PATCH, DELETE. This header must be set in requests. PC returns request result as JSON object with structure in code area.

Systems endpoint

PC can work with set of Applications simultaneously and separately.
Applications are divided by PC's System identifiers.
Each System can use own billing system, settings, url's and so on.

Usually, Systems endpoint is not used by Applications. It used during installation and configuration.

Register System

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/
method: POST

This request is used to register system identifier (system_id) for Application.
Users, Transactions, Events and so on will be linked to this system_id during Application communication with PC.
request parameter is generated by PC seller.

Get System Details

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}
method: GET

This request will show detailed information about settings of PC's system by system_id.

Change System Settings

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}
method: PATCH
    "user_keys_expiration_period": 365,

This request can be used to change PC's system settings.

All of the parameters are optional.

Parameter Description
user_keys_expiration_period Users' keys validity period (in days). After this period user's keys must be updated
pc_is_external_url URL to communicate with PC for mobile app (see Infrastructure scheme)
pc_is_internal_url PC Pusher URL (see Infrastructure scheme)
events_post_url URL to post events about activity in PC (all of the requests), including events and collected data from mobile devices
callback_url default callback url. Used to send callbacks about transactions and users processing (see chapters about users and transactions)
report_template_path path to report template
license license content

license parameter is generated by PC seller.

Users endpoint

Callback sample for Change User's settings

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "user_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "user_callback": {
            "user_id": "stageapi7postpay-3c1a2a05-5a52-4835-b7f6-4d07a81e2a2f",
            "updated_settings": {
                "device_fingerprint": "0dffffa8ea589f717f2f0f1033adf4053a179c73a682d9f82edc81f98bbaa1bf",
                "push_address": {
                    "device_push_id": "cQGjYE6vQ5SHct1en4h9lF:APA91bF6flaY26c1XPZri8vPNhc2qsr6ihk5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkDZssVhIohgV8W6FkS8j4_g941E-6N_F5VRWBbhxOF660WJK04KqwAa7GE0revXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-08R4Y",
                    "device_type": "Android",
                    "app_id": "org.paycontrol.app"
        "event": {
            "event_id": 69306,
            "user_id": "stageapi7postpay-3c1a2a05-5a52-4835-b7f6-4d07a81e2a2f",
            "session_id": "4c04490d-ee80-47b8-b59a-9c9e062bfbed",
            "device_event_id": "7e4887a5-4b3c-4e7e-b80a-e656ba7986f2",
            "device_time": 1710339880678,
            "request_hash": "c233a90be90f6da19b92864a71ac2e6169851234c30d07bf932ba7f06f26b02c",
            "request_hmac": "755219a2c63daf96a01845d0b5b4c842d5cff13acf5d8797cccf121ac91b8b67",
            "request_type": "change_user",
            "device_info": {
                "app": {
                    "appName": "PayControl",
                    "packageName": "org.paycontrol.app",
                    "appVersionName": "6.0.383",
                    "appVersionCode": 383
                "wifi": {
                    "localIp": "",
                    "userAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; SM-G970F Build\/SP1A.210812.016; wv) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/4.0 Chrome\/122.0.6261.105 Mobile Safari\/537.36__Dalvik\/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 12; SM-G970F Build\/SP1A.210812.016)",
                    "SSID": "wifi-ssid"
                "memory": {
                    "totalInternalMemorySize": "118053482496",
                    "totalRAM": "5542296"
                "location": {
                    "latitude": "55.8700000",
                    "accuracy": "100.00",
                    "longitude": "37.6800000"
                "osName": "Android",
                "device": {
                    "product": "beyond0lteser",
                    "screenWidth": 1080,
                    "simulator": 0,
                    "screenHeight": 2119,
                    "timeZone": "Europe\/Moscow",
                    "locale": "en",
                    "manufacturer": "samsung",
                    "osVersion": "12",
                    "root": 0,
                    "name": "SGS10e",
                    "model": "SM-G970F",
                    "sdkVersion": 31,
                    "screenDensity": "3.0"
                "Android": {
                    "memory": {
                        "totalExternalMemorySize": "118053482496",
                        "hasExternalSDCard": 1
                    "sim": {
                        "networkCountryIso": "ru",
                        "phoneType": "GSM",
                        "simCount": 2,
                        "simCountryIso": "ru",
                        "roaming": 0,
                        "simOperatorName": "Beeline",
                        "mmsUrl": "http:\/\/wap.samsungmobile.com\/uaprof\/SAMSUNGUAPROF.xml",
                        "mmsAgent": "SAMSUNG-ANDROID-MMS\/SM-G970F",
                        "networkOperatorName": "beeline"
                    "sensor": {
                        "minDelay": 5000,
                        "vendor": "STM",
                        "name": "LSM6DSO Acceleration Sensor",
                        "maxRange": 78.45320129394531,
                        "type": 1,
                        "version": 15932,
                        "resolution": 0.002394201699644327
                    "device": {
                        "scaledDensity": 3.3000001907348633,
                        "buildBrand": "samsung",
                        "buildTime": 1677717204000,
                        "buildUser": "dpi",
                        "radioVersion": "G970FXXSGHWB3,G970FXXSGHWB3",
                        "cpu": "BogoMIPS=52.00;CPU implementer=0x53;CPU architecture=8;CPU variant=0x1;CPU revision=0;Features=fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 atomics fphp asimdhp cpuid asimdrdm dcpop asimddp;processor=7;CPU part=0x003",
                        "buildID": "SP1A.210812.016",
                        "defaultSms": "com.samsung.android.messaging",
                        "deviceID": "a40eff960948fb41",
                        "buildHost": "21DKG923",
                        "densityDpi": "480",
                        "buildVersionCodeName": "REL",
                        "defaultBrowser": "com.android.chrome",
                        "certificates": [],
                        "bootloader": "G970FXXSGHWC1",
                        "displayVersion": "SP1A.210812.016.G970FXXSGHWC1",
                        "fingerprint": "samsung\/beyond0lteser\/beyond0:12\/SP1A.210812.016\/G970FXXSGHWC1:user\/release-keys",
                        "sysAvailableFeatures": "lcZ7yCt+ea7Ot310SW99aq\/GI7U3jwYHP1d4F6Uc1i4=",
                        "sysSharedLibraryNames": "9CAXPbjcF9Xo5k4CqNbgnTrYIGS5L4JBrum2JMuO05U=",
                        "device": "beyond0",
                        "board": "exynos9820",
                        "hardware": "exynos9820",
                        "releaseBuildVersion": "12"
            "requester_ip_address": ",,",
            "request_result": 0,
            "event_data": "{\"current\":{\"device_fingerprint\":\"0dffffa8ea589f717f2f0f1033adf4053a179c73a682d9f82edc81f98bbaa1bf\",\"push_address\":{\"device_push_id\":\"cQGjYE6vQ5SHct1en4h9lF:APA91bF6flaY26c1XPZri8vPNhc2qsr6ihk5AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkDZssVhIohgV8W6FkS8j4_g941E-6N_F5VRWBbhxOF660WJK04KqwAa7GE0revXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-08R4Y\",\"device_type\":\"Android\",\"app_id\":\"org.paycontrol.app\"}},\"previous\":{\"device_fingerprint\":\"0dffffa8ea589f717f2f0f1033adf4053a179c73a682d9f82edc81f98bbaa1bf\"}}",
            "created_at": 1710339881063,
            "updated_at": 1710339881085,
            "request_url": "http:\/\/pcs:8080\/pc-api\/ext\/1890f265-5c5e-4c28-8601-452a2a488f3c\/users\/stageapi7postpay-3c1a2a05-5a52-4835-b7f6-4d07a81e2a2f",
            "pc_instance_name": "pcs-node-1",
            "pc_version": {
                "pc_version": "6.0.124",
                "product": "PC Server",
                "pc_api_version": 7
            "system_id": "1890f265-5c5e-4c28-8601-452a2a488f3c",
            "connection_info": {
                "dst": {
                    "port": "8080",
                    "ip": "",
                    "mac": ""
                "src": {
                    "port": "52104",
                    "ip": "",
                    "mac": "02-42-AC-11-01-07"
            "key_index": 1,
            "device_fingerprint": "0dffffa8ea589f717f2f0f1033adf4053a179c73a682d9f82edc81f98bbaa1bf"

Callback sample for Renew - get challenge

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "user_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "user_callback": {
            "user_id": "test-2db1f61a-8824-4411-8ee4-d32da66ec593",
            "renew": {
                "challenge_request": true

Callback sample for Renew - set response

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "user_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "user_callback": {
            "user_id": "test-2db1f61a-8824-4411-8ee4-d32da66ec593",
            "renew": {
                "challenge_response": {
                    "salt": "63479AD69A090B258277EC8FBA6F99419A2FFB248981510657C944CCD1148E97",
                    "signature": "3046022100f9a5ceb6c3c2309d2e9ba4a96f7623f7ff9464ac8f07d97de9299d046511f3d1022100b684e226067ab9454949196cf21b134eacfdbfabf2a32b65e28afcc3b6cea66f",
                    "hmac": "36f310b877092b48e9bf2a192dfaa1517a0c52c907343a233ce26ee91fc26fcd"

This endpoint is used to manage PC Users.

Application can make following operations with Users

  • Create User (generate new key set with unique identifier)
  • Update User (mark active key set as "deleted" and generate the new one for existence identifier)
  • Change User's settings (usually this method is used by PC mobile app or SDK)
  • Export User's keys to transfer them in encrypted state directly to mobile app
  • Delete user (mark all data regarding to the User as "deleted")
  • Get User details

Some of Users endpoint's methods generate a callback to an url, stored in system settings (see Change System Settings request ). If callback url not set in system settings, no callbacks will be called.
PC calls a callback to inform the Application about changes, made by mobile app.

Methods which generate a callback:

Method Callback purpose
Change User's settings Inform the Application about changes in User settings (for example, to determine, if user successfully personalized mobile app - public key and push id values will be updated).
Renew User - get challenge This is internal request to renew user's keys from mobile app side (see Architecture and Principles docs). This method starts keys renew process.
Renew User - set response The same as previous. This method finishes keys renew process. If callback with error_code = 0 was received for this method, then keys were renews successfully.

To receive callback the Application should realize HTTP(s) POST endpoint. PC will send POST-request with JSON-object. Callback from PC always will contain pc_callback object with following params

Parameter Description
type For Users endpoint always will be user_callback
result Result object with description of transaction processing result
version Callback version. Current version is 3
user_callback Callback data

result object will contain following params

Parameter Description
error_code Error code. 0 means no error
error_message Error description

user_callback object will contain details of transaction processing. This object will contain one of following objects: updated_settings, renew. It depends on cause of callback was generated.

Parameter Description
user_id Identifier of a user which generated callback
updated_settings Repeats content of Change User request (see Change User's Setting )
renew.challenge_request This value (true) set if mobile app requested key updating
renew.challenge_response This value (object) set if mobile app generated response to renew challenge from PC Server. This object will contain salt, signature and hmac values. error_code = 0 in this callback means that mobile app renewed keys successfully.
event If PC collects events, then this object will contain PC event content. It depends on PC configuration (which data is collecting).

Create User

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users
method: POST
    "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
        "with_finger_print": true,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "nfc_policy": 1,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": true,
        "scoring_enabled": true,
        "autosign_enabled": true,
        "remote_update_enabled": true,
        "server_signer": false
    "type": 0,

Create User request creates a new user record in PC. This request also generates a new user's identifier, which is unique in PC installation.
This identifier should be stored by Application with real user information.
In case the Application will need a confirmation by user, it should provide PC user's identifier to pick concrete user.

This request generates the data to personalize person's mobile app (PC's client part). This data contain sensitive information (initialization keys) and can be provided to a person in 5 ways:

  • via QR-code using offline transfer methods, e.g. printed on a paper and provided into person's hands
  • via QR-code with activation code. QR-code can be shown to user online with browser or sent somehow, and activation code MUST be send to user with another communication channel - SMS, IVR, email e.t.c.
  • via JSON object in encrypted state to be transferred to person's mobile app via authorized channel with password. Password must be some secret, known by Application and person's mobile app
  • via Deep Link for mobile app without activation code. Deep Link can be sent to a user via email or another channel
  • via Deep Link with activation code. Deep Link can be sent to a user via email or another channel; activation code by another channel, for example, by SMS

See "Basic uses cases" for more information

How a result will be returned by PC (QR, QR with Activation Code, JSON) will be depend from a request.
return_key_method field specifies this with following values:

  • FULL_QR - QR-Code for Offline
  • QR_WITH_ACTIVATION_CODE - QR-Code with Activation Code
  • KEY_JSON - JSON Object
  • DEEP_LINK - Deep Link
  • DEEP_LINK_WITH_ACTIVATION_CODE - Deep Link with Activation Code

Request Params:

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
id_prefix no Prefix for user's identifier
user_name no Suggested user name to show on mobile device (can be changed by end-user on mobile device)
key_params null no Params for User's key
type 0, configurable no Crypto type for a user's keyset.
0 - ECSDA + SHA-256
1 - GOST 34.10-2012 + GOST 34.11-2012
activation_code_length 8 depends Length of Activation code will be generated to activate QR-code or Deep Link in mobile app. MUST be set if return_key_method is QR_WITH_ACTIVATION_CODE or DEEP_LINK_WITH_ACTIVATION_CODE
key_encryption_password depends Password to encrypt key values during export. Min length is 6. MUST be set if return_key_method is KEY_JSON
signer_url null no Specifies url of PC Server Signer for created user, for example
app_extra null no Purpose of this parameter is to deliver to a mobile app extra data during personalization process. This data will be returned via PC Mobile SDK after call PCUsersManager.register() method.
For example, this data can be used to provide a deep-link to be called by mobile app after personalization. Deep-link can open another app or web-browser to continue a customer journey.
Format of this data is unspecified and should be negotiated with mobile app.
This value can contain following variables, which will be set by PC Server: %SYSTEM_ID%, %USER_ID%
Example of app-extra: "{\"app_callback_deeplink\":\"https://abs.absnet.local/mobile_app_perso_results/%SYSTEM_ID%/%USER_ID%/\"}"
url_template null depends If this parameter is set, then QR-code will contain deep-link, created by the template. It can be useful if you process deep-links or universal links in your mobile app. In this case generated QR-code can be scanned with mobile phone's camera app, which will call deep-link handler in your app.
This parameter is mandatory if you use DEEP_LINK or DEEP_LINK_WITH_ACTIVATION_CODE return method.
PC Server will replace following params in template provided: %SYSTEM_ID%, %USER_ID%, %KEY_URLENCODED%, %KEY_BASE64%
Example: paycontrol://user_key?key_json=%KEY_URLENCODED%

key_params Object:

key_params encodes parameters for User's key. Each field is optional and, in default case, has value false/0.

Parameter Description
with_finger_print Link User's key to Mobile Device "fingerprint" after personalization
collect_events Should mobile app send events to the PC Server
collect_device_info ... collect and send device info
collect_device_SIM_info ... collect and send SIM info (requires additional permissions for mobile app)
collect_device_location ... collect and send device location (requires additional permissions for mobile app)
pass_policy Specifies password policy to store keys in mobile app
nfc_policy Specifies NFC-module usage policy to operate with private keys on mobile app
deny_store_with_OS_protection Deny store keys with mobile OS protection methods: TouchID, FaceID, Google Imprint
deny_renew_public_key Deny renew User's public key, e.g. regenerate asymmetric key pair
scoring_enabled Enable mobile device scoring for the user
autosign_enabled Enable autosign feature for the user
remote_update_enabled Enable remote-update feature with extended authentication. This flag is used to create backup data on mobile device to be able to renew a key from backup
server_signer Pick if the user record should be used as server signer (automatically sign transactions on server side without mobile app), see Server Signer User
If you use this flag, then
with_finger_print flag MUST be set to false;
online_credentials flag MUST be set to false.
In other way PC Server Signer will not able to work.
online_credentials If this flag is true, then activation_code or key_encryption_password will be verified by PC Server. PC Server will count unsuccess activation attempts and will block a PC User if attempts count will be exceeded.
PC Mobile SDK will use PC Server online verification feature to set and verify password on mobile device as well with attempts counting. See description of this feature in Architecture and Principles document.

pass_policy values

Value Description
0 Person can store keys without any protection. If the person uses password - min length is 6
1 Person MUST specify password to store keys (or use TouchID, FaceID, Google Imprint). Min length is 6.
2 Person MUST specify password to store keys (or use TouchID, FaceID, Google Imprint). Min length is 8, up case and down case must be used
3 Person MUST specify password to store keys (or use TouchID, FaceID, Google Imprint). Min length is 8, up case, down case and digits must be used.

nfc_policy values

Value Description
0 Usage of NFC-module on mobile app to operate with private key is prohibited
1 Usage of NFC-module on mobile app to operate with private key is optional
2 Usage of NFC-module on mobile app to operate with private key is required

[QR] QR-Code for Offline

[QR] QR-Code for Offline Request sample

    "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
        "with_finger_print": true,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": false,
        "scoring_enabled": false,
        "autosign_enabled": false,
        "remote_update_enabled": false,
        "server_signer": false

[QR] QR-Code for Offline Response sample

    "answer_type": "user_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "user_created": {
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-1463d9cf-2bad-4ba2-af8c-d66a1632e75c",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02",
            "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
            "key_flags": 1,
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
            "key_QR": "R0lGODlhLAEsAfAAAAAA... [truncated]"
    "answer_version": 3

Application should proceed following actions:

  • check if answer -> result -> error_code is 0
  • get and store answer -> user_created -> user_id value
  • print or provide "into hands" answer -> user_created -> key_QR value

key_QR is base64-encoded GIF-image

Other information in the response is not neccessary to be processed

[QR with Activation Code] QR-Code for Online

[QR with Activation Code] QR-Code for Online Request sample

    "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
        "with_finger_print": false,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": false,
        "scoring_enabled": false,
        "autosign_enabled": false,
        "remote_update_enabled": false,
        "server_signer": false
    "activation_code_length": 10,

[QR with Activation Code] QR-Code for Online Response sample

    "answer_type": "user_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "user_created": {
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "activation_code": "7551332084",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-c0f1cb6a-a34c-4f3b-8b1a-a2e3186effa1",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02",
            "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
            "key_flags": 0,
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
            "key_QR": "R0lGODlhLAEs... [truncated]"
    "answer_version": 3

Application MUST provide activation_code_length value in a request.

Application should proceed following actions:

  • check if answer -> result -> error_code is 0
  • get and store answer -> user_created -> user_id value
  • provide with "self service" interface (online-banking, infomat, etc.) answer -> user_created -> key_QR value
  • send via the second channel answer -> user_created -> activation_code value

key_QR is base64-encoded GIF-image

Other information in the response is not necessary to be processed

[JSON] Export key

[JSON] Request sample

        "with_finger_print": false,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": false,
        "remote_update_enabled": false,
        "server_signer": false

[JSON] Response sample

    "answer_type": "user_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "user_created": {
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02",
            "key_json": "{ [key-json] }",
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-9bee2f4d-4683-439a-ac40-e06caf3fe8e8",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
            "key_flags": 0,
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
    "answer_version": 3

Application MUST provide key_encryption_password value in a request.

Application should proceed following actions:

  • check if answer -> result -> error_code is 0
  • get and store answer -> user_created -> user_id value
  • provide with authorized channel answer -> user_created -> key_json value to person's mobile app

Other information in the response is not necessary to be processed

[Deep Link] Request Sample

    "user_name" : "User Name",
        "with_finger_print": false,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": false,
        "scoring_enabled": true,
        "autosign_enabled": true,
        "remote_update_enabled": true
    "url_template": "paycontrol://user_key?key_json=%KEY_URLENCODED%"

[Deep Link] Response Sample

    "answer_type": "user_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "user_created": {
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-7c4e1033-3e4e-4062-b534-2feec6ea6cec",
            "system_id": "0c7c6703-bc60-459d-a01b-c7853ca7e918",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "key_flags": 2048,
            "key_deep_link": "paycontrol://user_key?key_json=[key-json-url-encoded]",
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02"
    "answer_version": 3

Application should proceed following actions:

  • check if answer -> result -> error_code is 0
  • get and store answer -> user_created -> user_id value
  • send to a user answer -> user_created -> key_deep_link value

key_deep_link is url for deep link for mobile app.

Other information in the response is not neccessary to be processed.

Be noticed that PC mobile applications (PayControl and PayConfirm) processes deep-links schemes paycontrol and payconfirm respectively.

[Deep Link with Activation Code] Request Sample

    "user_name" : "User Name",
        "with_finger_print": false,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": false,
        "scoring_enabled": true,
        "autosign_enabled": true,
        "remote_update_enabled": true
    "activation_code_length": 10,
    "url_template": "paycontrol://user_key?key_json=%KEY_URLENCODED%"

[Deep Link with Activation Code] Response Sample

    "answer_type": "user_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "user_created": {
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "activation_code": "5002304285",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-1e9db198-bf7f-4cb9-b4d5-bf935e0cd8ab",
            "system_id": "0c7c6703-bc60-459d-a01b-c7853ca7e918",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "key_flags": 2048,
            "key_deep_link": "paycontrol://user_key?key_json=[key-json-url-encoded]",
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02"
    "answer_version": 3

Application MUST provide activation_code_length value in a request.

Application should proceed following actions:

  • check if answer -> result -> error_code is 0
  • get and store answer -> user_created -> user_id value
  • send to a user answer -> user_created -> key_deep_link value
  • send via the second channel answer -> user_created -> activation_code value

key_deep_link is url for deep link for mobile app.

Other information in the response is not neccessary to be processed.

Update User

Request sample

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/key
method: POST
        "with_finger_print": false,
        "collect_events": false,
        "collect_device_info": false,
        "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
        "collect_device_location": false,
        "pass_policy": 0,
        "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
        "deny_renew_public_key": false,
        "scoring_enabled": false,
        "autosign_enabled": false,
        "remote_update_enabled": true,
        "server_signer": false

Response sample

    "answer_type": "key_updated",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "key_updated": {
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02"
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "key_flags": 0,
            "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
            "key_QR": "R0lGODlhLAEsA... [truncated]"
    "answer_version": 3

Update User request updates user's keys in PC. It generates new initial keys, flushes all user's options (like device fingerprint, public key, push identifier, flags) and returns new initials keys just like Create User request.

After this request Application should provide new initial keys to person, like described in Create User request section (QR, QR with Activation Code, JSON, Deep Link, Deep Link with Activation Code). Note that successful execution answer_type is key_updated.

Update User request unblocks blocked user. See Change User Settings request.

Update user request can be executed with is_delayed parameter. If this parameter set to true then PC will not flush user's options at request time. It will generate new initial keys, but in delayed state.

This means that new keys will be put in action in following cases:

  • at time of first request from mobile app with new keys
  • by request from Application (see Change User Settings request)

Request Params:

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
is_delayed false no Mark new initial keys as delayed
key_params null no The same as for Create User
type 0, configurable no The same as for Create User
return_key_method YES The same as for Create User
activation_code_length 8 depends The same as for Create User
key_encryption_password depends The same as for Create User
app_extra null no The same as for Create User
url_template null depends The same as for Create User

Export User's Keys

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/key/export
method: POST

Request sample


Response sample

    "answer_type": "export_key",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "export_key": {
            "expiration_date": "2024-12-02"
            "key_json": "{ [key-json] }",
            "system_settings": {
                "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
                "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "expiration_timestamp": 1733149357,
            "key_flags": 0,
            "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
            "ext_auth_available_methods": [
    "answer_version": 3

In case an Application needs to provide user's initial keys not at creation/updating time it can request PC to export keys.

Response will return keys in JSON format like Create User / Update User response.

Request Params:

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
key_encryption_password YES Password to encrypt key values during export. Min length is 6.

Change User's Settings

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}
method: PATCH

Request sample

    "device_fingerprint": "f111f3be77c74abeac08c87c9ee27a56ae53bc546d4e15fb9ff9f372a98794bc",

Response has result_only object

Application can change following user's setting by this request:

  • manually commit delayed key (if user was updated by Update User request with is_delayed param)
  • set device fingerprint (usually this option set by mobile SDK)
  • set user's public key (usually this option set by mobile SDK)
  • set user's device push identifier (usually this option set by mobile SDK)

All request params are optional.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
block false no Pick if user must be blocked. After blocking user's record can not be used in any way.
unblock false no Unblock blocked user
commit_delayed false no Pick if delayed key should be committed
device_fingerprint null no Fingerprint of user's device, collected by mobile SDK
push_address null no Object with description of device push identifier. Required to send push to the device
public_key null no Public key from device key pair. DER-encoded hex-representation of public key bytes

This method generates a callback - see Users Endpoint

Reset Password

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/key/credentials/reset
method: POST

Request sample

    "keys_password": "123456"

Response has result_only object

In case you use online_credentials flag (see description of this feature in Architecture and Principles document and Create User -> key_params) you can reset user's password via request to PC Server.

Parameter Mandatory Description
keys_password yes Password to be set to protect user's key on a mobile device

Be noticed, that after this call, a user will not be able to use old password.

Delete User

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}
method: DELETE

Request does not contain params

Response has result_only object

This request mark PC user record as "deleted". User record can not be used for regular work with PC.

It can be only used for Conflicts resolving (see Conflicts resolving section).

Get User Details

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "user_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "user_info": {
            "public_key": "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d030107034200048262a98e85ddaf2a5b63c3d26bbd7cbf65d3db8c99f3da7f7f76431046224cbe740bf2200e0d87d32d9d2bee39247696046d956a64f5c1f0ddd93c1ea93d242c",
            "active_key_info": {
                "device_fingerprint": "088ec2e6cb6de77c22c0cad79eaf30a7800594fd77ee8ef3b325d836f77b6cb0",
                "expiration_timestamp": 1729111541,
                "key_flags": 102175,
                "key_index": 1,
                "type": 0,
                "key_params": {
                    "nfc_policy": 0,
                    "deny_renew_public_key": true,
                    "pass_policy": 0,
                    "with_finger_print": true,
                    "collect_device_location": true,
                    "autosign_enabled": true,
                    "server_signer": false,
                    "telegram_enabled": true,
                    "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
                    "remote_update_enabled": true,
                    "scoring_enabled": true,
                    "online_credentials": true,
                    "collect_events": true,
                    "collect_device_SIM_info": true,
                    "collect_device_info": true
            "autosign_public_key": "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d030107034200047f09c594a89eb26611abf4c281efa0741feef51d231830afc7282ea47f3617ddd4a89803f7704977e238d3de2a9e2fc77f844e9b5587fdb77c1d4f102e56f184",
            "blocked": false,
            "user_id": "devapi7postpay-79fceafe-20b9-4203-b711-2844970d61d6",
            "user_name":"Acme Ltd.",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "system_name": "PC Server Develop",
            "device_push_id": "eY36FryPRTqsFszOoJeoTs:APA91bG94WbrR5XFViPCqNVOnWDIs6CA72glhV2bjrAQ7IiND6KK7oRTM8p9Si3er-BXI3iKrj9c3ZhztOIwwnmvZlEo5PsLdh3k_EpnIzFSrMHIh2FgR5vV-9bOCKwiveHM4tt1oCxh",
            "delayed_key_info": {
                "expiration_timestamp": 1734601717,
                "key_flags": 34304,
                "key_index": 2,
                "app_extra": "{\"your_param_name\":\"your_value\"}",
                "type": 0,
                "key_params": {
                    "nfc_policy": 0,
                    "deny_renew_public_key": false,
                    "pass_policy": 0,
                    "with_finger_print": false,
                    "collect_device_location": false,
                    "autosign_enabled": true,
                    "server_signer": false,
                    "telegram_enabled": true,
                    "deny_store_with_OS_protection": false,
                    "remote_update_enabled": false,
                    "scoring_enabled": true,
                    "online_credentials": false,
                    "collect_events": false,
                    "collect_device_SIM_info": false,
                    "collect_device_info": false
            "device_type": "Android",
            "app_id": "org.paycontrol.app"
    "answer_version": 3

This request returns information about actual keys and options for PC user.


Parameter Mandatory Description
active_key_info YES Information about active key and options for the user
delayed_key_info NO Information about delayed key and options (if user was updated with Update User request and is_delayed param)
user_id YES User identifier in PC
system_id YES Application identifier
system_name YES Application name
device_type NO Registered device type for push notifications. The value options are listed below
device_push_id NO Registered device push identifier for push notifications
public_key NO Registered public key. DER-encoded hex-representation of public key bytes
blocked YES Is user blocked

Device types

Value Push sending method
Android Firebase
Huawei HMS
ServerSigner There is will no push sends. It will call SeverSigner for sign transaction created for ServerSigner user
Telegram Telegram bot
Edna Edna platform

Transactions endpoint

Callback sample for confirmation

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "transaction_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "transaction_callback": {
            "transaction_id": "f84f2749-75dd-48f9-a0e9-9aaaf99cfa9d",
            "check_time": 1576678302,
            "confirmation": {
                "confirm_code": "99edc1a4608ba2cab4129e51536ef64e73cd2331bd8c2e5be02601bf83c03b27",
                "signature": "3045022100cab15bbb76703230ea1c7f931bd2b131240b4262b85df6b44bb6c7fd10e61593022063403a4dce33e139f2cf75bd424f07933ad7e796721aa45ce02d02f9a56a581a",
                "gost_imit": "84f6870808f423efa533ced9098ecd6b541622eb26ea398d2b39e48825907f94",
                "scoring": {
                    "gib_sb": {
                        "score": 0,
                        "scoreLevel": "NO_RISK"

Callback for automatic signature

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "transaction_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "transaction_callback": {
            "transaction_id": "f84f2749-75dd-48f9-a0e9-9aaaf99cfa9d",
            "check_time": 1576678302,
            "autosign": {
                "signature": "3045022100cab15bbb76703230ea1c7f931bd2b131240b4262b85df6b44bb6c7fd10e61593022063403a4dce33e139f2cf75bd424f07933ad7e796721aa45ce02d02f9a56a581a",
                "gost_imit": "84f6870808f423efa533ced9098ecd6b541622eb26ea398d2b39e48825907f94",
                "scoring": {
                    "gib_sb": {
                        "score": 0,
                        "scoreLevel": "NO_RISK"

Callback sample for CMS signature

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "transaction_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "transaction_callback": {
            "transaction_id": "10825d5c-a196-480a-be99-0d88ac885d4a",
            "check_time": 1597324289,
            "confirmation": {
                "confirm_code": "9add6ffbafe8afcfa94644739ea9ada9fd08d233a3d32d37f1405ddb7019572a",
                "signature": "3045022100fab6c7d84d5501a9d967c8835b0fbe2929f0dc06ee8cc147292e63bc0c08ebf302207f8b90997000a2eb75e9ba28f924dada6b264997afee0f146b8409c0fe179bfa",

Callback sample for declanation

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "transaction_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "transaction_callback": {
            "transaction_id": "be18ce51-c963-48ca-b10c-3e99291634a9",
            "check_time": 1576678303,
            "declanation": {
                "decline_reason": "not authorized",
                "decline_code": "3506b6a24c24ab106671b98e8efc031c1c75890df2d306ff544e1048434dbc78"

This endpoint is used for PC Transactions management.

Application can make following opreations with PC Transactions:

  • Create Transaction for confirmation by specified user
  • Confirm Transaction with confirmation code, provided by user in offline mode
  • Decline Transaction with decline code, provided by user in offline mode
  • Get Transaction Information
  • Cancel Transaction confirmation

Usual transaction confirmation flow for PC is following:

  1. Application creates transaction, specifies user, data to be confirmed (signed) and callback address
  2. PC sends push notification to persons's mobile app with push identifier, registered for user
  3. Mobile app shows notification for the person with content like "Hey! You have something to sign!"
  4. Person opens mobile app (PC App or App with PC SDK for mobile)
  5. Mobile app requests from PC server transactions list and transaction data (from step 1) by secured channel
  6. Mobile app shows transaction data to the person
  7. Person confirms (signs) or declines transaction. At this step PC SDK for mobile calculates signature and make request to PC server to confirm transaction with signature
  8. PC Server verifies signature and, optionally, generates server-side hmac (imit value)
  9. PC sends callback to Application with verification results and signature
  10. Application saves signature with initial document. From now the Document is digitally signed.

As you can see, in usual case Application should realize only step 1 and steps 9-10.
The rest actions we can call as magic.

You can find document signing flow in Architecture and Principles document.

To make Step 9 (receive callback) Application should realize HTTP(s) POST endpoint. PC will send POST-request with JSON-object. Callback from PC always will contain pc_callback object with following params

Parameter Description
type For transactions always will be transaction_callback
result Result object with description of transaction processing result
version Callback version. Current version is 3
transaction_callback Callback data

result object will contain following params

Parameter Description
error_code Error code. 0 means no error
error_message Error description

transaction_callback object will contain details of transaction processing. This object will contain one of following objects: confirmation, declanation, cancelation, autosign. It depends on cause of callback was generated.

Parameter Description
transaction_id Identifier of transaction which generated callback
check_time Timestamp of processing
confirmation.confirm_code Confirmation code (symmetric) provided by person's mobile app
confirmation.signature Signature (asymmetric) provided by person's mobile app
confirmation.gost_imit Server-side HMAC also called imit value, optionally generated to comply special legislation
confirmation.cms_data If transaction was created as type CMS (PKI-like), then cms_data will contain CMS Signature (detached)
confirmation.scoring If a user was created with scoring_enabled flag and PC Server has received scoring data from mobile device, then callback will contain scoring object
declanation.decline_reason Decline reason. Can be one of "not autorized", "wrong data",
declanation.decline_code Declanation code (symmetric) provided by person's mobile app
cancelation.reason Reason of transaction cancelation. Can be "time out" or "canceled"
autosign.signature AutoSignature value (asymmetric) provided by person's mobile app during automatic signature process
confirmation.scoring Autosignature object always will contain scoring object

Create Transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions
method: POST

Request sample

        "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
    "snippet": {
        "text":"account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
        "text_render_type": "markdown"
    "notification_type": "Push",
    "callback_url": "http://abs.absnet.local/transaction_callback",
    "confirm_code_length": 8,
    "ttl": 0,
    "extended_check": false,
    "autosing_enabled": false

Response sample without transaction QR (tranction for Online mode only)

    "answer_type": "transaction_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_created": {
            "transaction_id": "15984319-3f98-4123-b39d-2d0e5a40e8f6",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "extended_check": false,
            "autosign_enabled": false,
            "pc_transaction_version": 4,
            "data_type": "COMBINED",
            "confirm_type": "PUSH",
            "confirm_code_length": 8,
            "ttl": 0,
            "status": "initialized"
    "answer_version": 3

Response sample with transaction QR (transaction for Online and Offline modes)

    "answer_type": "transaction_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_created": {
            "transaction_id": "db6fc686-c8e0-4edb-95d3-81ce08a07485",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "extended_check": false,
            "autosign_enabled": false,
            "pc_transaction_version": 4,
            "data_type": "TEXT",
            "confirm_type": "PUSH",
            "confirm_code_length": 8,
            "ttl": 0,
            "transaction_qr": "R0lGODlhLAEsAfAAAAAAAP... [truncated]",
            "status": "initialized"
    "answer_version": 3

This request creates a PC transaction with data to be confirmed by a user.
It starts transaction confirmation process as described above.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
transaction_data yes Object with data to be confirmed (signed)
no Binary data for the transaction in base64. Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
no Text for the transaction, max 10Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets). Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
raw no Pick which render type should be used by mobile app to show the text. Can be markdown or raw
snippet no Transaction snippet to show short description about data in mobile app
yes Short transaction description to show in mobile app. If you create snippet, then snippet.text is mandatory
raw no Pick which render type should be used by mobile app to show snippet text. Can be markdown or raw
notification_type Offline no Notification type for the transaction. Can be "Push" or "Offline". If set to "Push" value then push-notification will be sent to user's smartphone
callback_url no URL to POST callback about transaction. If not specified then callback url will be retrieved from system settings. If no callback url specified in system settings then no callback will be sent
transaction_id no Custom transaction id, generated by Application. Must be unique within all transactions created in PC
confirm_code_length 6 no Length of confirmation code for offline mode. Can be from 6 to 10 or 64. 64 means short code will be not accepted, e.g. no Offline mode
ttl 0, configurable no Time to live for the transaction in seconds. After this time transaction will be declined automatically with "time out" decline reason. 0 means without restrictions
extended_check false no If extended check required for the transaction
autosign_enabled false no If automatic signature is allowed for this transaction
transaction_type UNDEFINED no Specifies transaction type in case if you want to create specialized type of signature
url_template no If this parameter is set, then QR-code will contain deep-link, created by the template. It can be useful if you process deep-links in your mobile app. In this case generated QR-code can be scanned with mobile phone's camera app, which will call deep-link handler in your app.
PC Server will replace following params in template provided: %SYSTEM_ID%, %USER_ID%, %TRANSACTION_ID%, %TRANSACTION_URLENCODED%, %TRANSACTION_BASE64%
Example: paycontrol://transaction?transaction_json=%TRANSACTION_URLENCODED%
app_start_deeplink_template no If this parameter is set, then PC Server will generate deep-link to start confirmation process in mobile app via this deep-link. PC Server will replace following params in template provided: %SYSTEM_ID%, %USER_ID%, %TRANSACTION_ID%.
Example: paycontrol://start_confirmation?user_id=%USER_ID%&transaction_id=%TRANSACTION_ID%
app_extra null no Purpose of this parameter is to deliver to a mobile app extra data during transaction confirmation process. This data will be returned via PC Mobile SDK after call PCTransactionsManager.getTransaction() method.
For example, this data can be used to provide a deep-link to be called by mobile app after transaction confirmation. Deep-link can open another app or web-browser to continue a customer journey.
Format of this data is unspecified and should be negotiated with mobile app.
This value can contain following variables, which will be set by PC Server: %SYSTEM_ID%, %USER_ID%, %TRANSACTION_ID%
Example of app-extra: "{\"app_callback_deeplink\":\"https://abs.absnet.local/transaction_confirm_results/%SYSTEM_ID%/%USER_ID%/%TRANSACTION_ID%\"}"
deeplink_only false no If this value is set to true and url_template is defined, then no QR-code will be generated, but deep-links only

Transaction types

Transaction Type Meaning Callback field alteration
UNDEFINED Default transaction type
LOGIN Special transaction used for logging by QR-code (Login via QR feature)
PAYMENT Does not lead to special processing scenarios yet. Just for information purposes.
SIGN_DOCUMENT Does not lead to special processing scenarios yet. Just for information purposes.
OPERATION Transaction which is a part of Operation
CSR A special transaction for constructing a Certificate Signing Request
CMS CMS Signature (detached) will be created after trasaction signing CMS signature will be in transaction callback in pc_callback. transaction_callback.confirmation. cms_data
PDF Signed PDF will be created after trasaction signing (PDF with included signature and signature stamp) Signed PDF will be in transaction callback in pc_callback. transaction_callback. confirmation. pdf_binary_data
WITH_BACKEND_CHECK Transaction with additional check in backend. MUST NOT be used without this check.

CMS, CSR and PDF transactions can be confirmed via online-mode only.

CMS and PDF transaction types are available only if a user has certificate issued with status CERT_ISSUIED (see PKI endpoint ).

Offline and Online modes

To work in Offline mode PC can generate transaction QR-code to be provided to mobile app via Application.

For use Offline mode Application should realize following steps:

  1. Application creates transaction, specifies user, data (only transaction_data.text) to be confirmed (signed) and callback address. transaction_data.text MUST be not more then 2 Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets), because of this is optimal data length to be encoded via recongnizable QR-code
  2. PC creates transaction and returns to Application transaction QR-code
  3. Application shows to the user transaction QR to use in Offline mode
  4. User with PC mobile app (or with mobile app with PC SDK for mobile) in Offline mode scans transaction QR
  5. PC mobile app generates short confirmation code in Offline mode
  6. User inputs this code to Application
  7. Application makes Confirm Transaction request to PC and confirms transaction

Application can use online and offline mode semultaniously in case confirm only transaction text. It means that if user online then he can sign transaction in online mode. If he offline then he scans QR in inputs confirmation code.
You can see how it works at PC Demo page.

Confirm Transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/confirm
method: POST

Request sample for Offline mode

    "time_sampling_interval": 180

Request sample for Online mode (not used in usual cases by Application)


Response has result_only object

This request should be used to confirm transaction in Offline mode or to check Independent Confirm Code for a Transaction

Request Params

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
confirm_code - yes Offline Confirm Code from Mobile App or Independent Confirm Code
time_sampling_interval 180 no Period of Independent Confirm Code validity (in seconds)

Decline Transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/decline
method: POST

Request sample for Offline mode

    "decline_reason":"not autorized"

Request sample for Online mode (not used in usual cases by Application)

    "decline_reason":"not autorized"

Response has result_only object

This request should be used to decline transaction in Offline mode.

Cancel Transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/decline
method: POST

Request sample for Offline mode


Response has result_only object

This request should be used to cancel transaction confirmation.

Get Transactions List

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/get_list
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "transaction_list",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_list": [
    "answer_version": 3

This request should be used to get list of transactions for the user.

Response contains transaction_list object with list of transaction identifiers.

Get Transactions List for automatic confirm (autosign)

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/get_autoconfirm_list
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "transaction_list",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_list": [
    "answer_version": 3

This request should be used to get list of transactions with autosign_enabled flag for the user.

Response contains transaction_list object with list of transaction identifiers.

Get Transaction Details

Common Transaction Details

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "transaction_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_info": {
            "transaction_id": "0926d09e-3c23-4cdc-b744-e59e1be1161f",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "extended_check": false,
            "autosign_enabled": false,
            "pc_transaction_version": 4,
            "data_type": "TEXT",
            "confirm_type": "PUSH",
            "confirm_code_length": 8,
            "ttl": 0,
            "transaction_qr": "R0lGODlhLAEsAfAAAAAAAP... [truncated]",
            "status": "pushSent"
    "answer_version": 3

This request should be used to get transaction details, including transaction status.

Statuses can be initialized, pushSent, dataSent, confirmed, declined.

If transaction data_type is TEXT then transaction_qr will be returned in response. In other case (data_type is BINARY or COMBINED) transaction_qr will be absent.

Confirmed Transaction Details

Response sample for confirmed transaction

    "answer_type": "transaction_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_info": {
            "transaction_id": "5993a5f4-89a1-4b0d-bf41-31432cbd822b",
            "confirm_attempts": [
                    "data_hash": "8b1308f432db5077ddeeb6158a79bfc04d5d6c0cf5c2462bd36c222fde848741",
                    "event_id": 30197,
                    "confirm_result": "SUCCESS",
                    "signature": "3045022100d788d6df45b27c987984ca291c9e6f67095896e9d2ba77b252012bebb223326c022048c05f2dd7a6f54936a1b2942fdedde693427366d7ddb9e38fd725e3655f9531",
                    "confirm_code": "db5b64e0e124594002cde5c7300087e0e1f99c55e042017f0ac17f8588d0a2a0",
                    "created_at": 1572098520,
                    "confirm_attempt_id": 2369
            "pc_transaction_version": 4,
            "user_id": "stable50-066ff3c3-1fa5-4d18-9dda-fd742d7b2f0a",
            "system_id": "598b350f-95c9-4e11-88c1-5866e98a145c",
            "extended_check": false,
            "autosign_enabled": false,
            "data_type": "EMPTY",
            "confirm_code_length": -1,
            "confirm_type": "PUSH",
            "ttl": 300,
            "status": "confirmed"
    "answer_version": 3

If transaction was confirmed or there were attempts to confirm the transaction, answer will contain confirm_attempts objects.

Transaction Details with scoring results

Response sample for confirmed transaction

    "answer_type": "transaction_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_info": {
            "transaction_id": "e4095753-4fc1-48e2-87c0-309e47118871",
            "confirm_attempts": [
                    "data_hash": "8165423c30be38c6f343bf56e09f40c510aa63f7abeb6b9b409ce5cb58483a2d",
                    "event_id": 30217,
                    "confirm_result": "SUCCESS",
                    "signature": "30450221009086600e6fb7f524d621c8ee31e072932dba55fe3133ce43e64f339ade15806b0220547ffbdfc05e5113f991de56f5bc70e85100c9ccc33e0811e47d4f430a8f7c11",
                    "confirm_code": "064cdc0633a0a99e7eb435ff0e69a51636b4c1ff151598ef4a28b64f687a1b1f",
                    "scoring_results": {
                        "gib_sb": {
                            "score": 0,
                            "scoreLevel": "NO_RISK"
                    "scoring_settings": {
                        "gib_sb": {
                            "session_id": "gl6y9x8s7nippSX51nn184t+BusJkY51DPMEEE1eQlsfS5bNrrsf9eDuoVWp4FnHuQFspLGAJdv1BiJyATzu+doZc0Ilx7lm9J7o93YZfaagTfPXkIoQM9B4cHV4JwUOWJUza9WfhH9hPsjHnpno0JrY"
                    "created_at": 1572169705,
                    "confirm_attempt_id": 2370
            "pc_transaction_version": 4,
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-87420d64-802f-4d6b-92a5-6f3b27c13729",
            "system_id": "598b350f-95c9-4e11-88c1-5866e98a145c",
            "extended_check": false,
            "autosign_enabled": false,
            "data_type": "EMPTY",
            "confirm_code_length": 8,
            "confirm_type": "PUSH",
            "ttl": 0,
            "status": "confirmed"
    "answer_version": 3

If a user was created with scoring_enabled flag and PC Server has received scoring data from mobile device, then a confirm_attempt object will contain scoring_results and scoring_settings objects.

Content of this objects will be depended from scoring settings for PC instance.

For know PC Server supports Group-IB Secure Bank scoring mechanisms.

Get Scoring Details for confirmation attempt

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/attempts/{{attempt_id}}/scoring_details
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "scoring_details",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "scoring_details": {
            "gib_sb": {
                "data": {
                    "alerts": [],
                    "score": 0,
                    "info": [
                    "score_level": "no"
                "status": 200
    "answer_version": 3

To get scoring details directly from scoring provider you should use this request. {{attempt_id}} can be extracted from transaction_info.confirm_attempts[x].confirm_attempt_id value.

The response will contain raw answer from scoring provider.

Content of this objects will be depended from scoring settings for PC instance.

For know PC Server supports Group-IB Secure Bank scoring mechanisms.

Get Transaction Data

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/get_data
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "transaction_data",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "transaction_data": {
            "extended_check": false,
            "text": "Money transfer to account №213154254, amount $12 000",
            "text_render_type": "raw",
            "binary_data_url": "[EXTERNAL URL TO GET BINARY DATA]",
            "confirm_code_length": 8,
            "snippet": {
                "text":"account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
                "text_render_type": "markdown"
    "answer_version": 3

This request returns transaction data.

If binary data exists in the transaction, then transaction_data will contain binary_data_url. This url should be used to get binary data externally, using PC External endpoints.
Application should use Get Transaction Binary Data endpoint to get transaction binary data.

Get Transaction Binary Data

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/get_binary_data
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response will be binary data with application/octet-stream media type

This request returns transaction binary data (if exists).

Get Signed PDF (from database)

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/get_pdf
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response will be PDF data with application/octet-stream media type with filename transaction_id.pdf

This request returns signed PDF for transaction with type PDF (if exists in PC database).

The request re-builds signed PDF from source PDF and stored CMS signature.
If PC Server configured to clean transaction data after confirmation, then this request will return exception.
In this case you can use POST request to this end-point (see Rebuild Signed PDF ).

Rebuild Signed PDF

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/get_pdf
method: POST

Request must contain source PDF data. application/octet-stream media type must be used

Response will be PDF data with application/octet-stream media type with filename transaction_id.pdf

This request returns signed PDF for transaction with type PDF.

The request re-builds signed PDF from source PDF from the POST-data and stored CMS signature.

Operations endpoint

Callback sample for Operation

    "pc_callback": {
        "type": "operation_callback",
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "version": 3,
        "operation_callback": {
            "operation_id": "3c98041f-d97c-455b-ab7d-6ddf1cde0d58",
            "transactions": [
                    "transaction_id": "55a8c34b-d976-43b0-8adb-9c02945b3e4e",
                    "check_time": 1588063725,
                    "confirmation": {
                        "confirm_code": "6aed4a6366dedf1b8188998141630890f095e13f60c9ba9c3a89c121637f278e",
                        "signature": "3045022100ffb3e2661bfa7f6821435a48924ee4019531a5beb7f46e23ce8924b5a84d8167022052ca4cefd5fc6b66837419aee0483b9bc10fd5113b92b6082b7be0f9c21c7461"
                    "result": {
                        "error_message": "Success",
                        "error_code": 0
                    "transaction_id": "286395e7-b595-41ec-bb36-268084e9f228",
                    "check_time": 1588063725,
                    "confirmation": {
                        "confirm_code": "6aed4a6366dedf1b8188998141630890f095e13f60c9ba9c3a89c121637f278e",
                        "signature": "3045022100ffb3e2661bfa7f6821435a48924ee4019531a5beb7f46e23ce8924b5a84d8167022052ca4cefd5fc6b66837419aee0483b9bc10fd5113b92b6082b7be0f9c21c7461"
                    "result": {
                        "error_message": "Success",
                        "error_code": 0
                    "transaction_id": "22289902-9ccd-44a6-a9f1-54b1372a0651",
                    "declanation": {
                        "decline_reason": "not autorized",
                        "decline_code": "6aed4a6366dedf1b8188998141630890f095e13f60c9ba9c3a89c121637f278e"
                    "check_time": 1588063725,
                    "result": {
                        "error_message": "Decline code is incorrect",
                        "error_code": 244
                    "transaction_id": "9f7e24db-ebce-44b4-af0b-333bf4d31a19",
                    "check_time": 1588063725,
                    "cancelation": {
                        "reason": "canceled"
                    "result": {
                        "error_message": "Success",
                        "error_code": 0
            "status": "processed"

This endpoint is used for PC Operations management.

In terms of PC, Operations is a group of Transactions.
Application developer can create Operation to manage a few transactions as a group. It means that those transactions will have the same params, notification settings, confirmation settings and so on.

Moreover, Operation

  • has it's own callback
  • allows to process transactions (confirm or decline) with one request from mobile app
  • allows partially processing
  • allows to add transactions to an Operation

Operations are processed by PC Server as set of Transactions, excluding callbacks. During Operations processing PC server does not send callback for each transaction, but callback will be sent as a result of Operation processing.

Operation callback will be like following

Parameter Description
type For transactions always will be operation_callback
result Result object with description of operation processing result
version Callback version. Current version is 3
operation_callback Callback data

result` object will contain following params

Parameter Description
error_code Error code. 0 means no error
error_message Error description

operation_callback object will contain following data

Parameter Description
operation_id Operation Id
status Operation status after processing (see statuses in Get Operation Info request)
transactions Set of results of transactions processing. Content is the same as for transactions callback

Create Operation

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/operations
method: POST

Request sample

    "description": {
        "text": "Payments registry #1",
        "text_render_type": "raw"
    "notification_type": "Push",
    "callback_url": "http://abs.absnet.local/operation_callback",
    "ttl": 600,
    "extended_check": false,
    "transactions": [
            "transaction_data": {
                "text":"Money transfer to account №11112222, amount $1 000",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "snippet": {
                "text":"account №11112222, $12 000",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "index" : 1
            "transaction_data": {
                "text":"Money transfer to account №33334444, amount $3 000",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "snippet": {
                "text":"account №33334444, $3 000",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "index" : 2

Response sample

    "answer_type": "operation_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "operation_created": {
            "notification_type": "Push",
            "pc_operation_version": 1,
            "user_id": "stage-v52-flex-95d2f552-516a-4427-894f-c1f21b7fc605",
            "system_id": "94b309be-5d2c-456e-9cde-82ea0b65e4ed",
            "extended_check": false,
            "operation_id": "db78e117-ed39-4ba9-9fee-8b5f4603bd67",
            "transactions": [
                    "transaction_id": "4e12720d-402e-4660-8445-2b778252698f",
                    "index": 1
                    "transaction_id": "2c51539d-95b4-4942-9665-e6f95d1986c3",
                    "index": 2
            "ttl": 600,
            "status": "push_sent"
    "answer_version": 3

This request creates a PC Operation with set of transactions to be confirmed by a user.
Please, see Transactions endpoint description for confirmation process description.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
description no Short description for an Operation (group of transactions) to be shown on mobile device
description.text yes Description text
description.text_render_type raw no Pick which render type should be used by mobile app to show the text. Can be markdown or raw
notification_type Offline no Notification type for the Operation. Can be "Push" or "Offline". If set to "Push" value then push-notification will be sent to user's smartphone
callback_url no URL to POST callback about Operation. If not specified then callback url will be retrieved from system settings. If no callback url specified in system settings then no callback will be sent
ttl 0, configurable no Time to live for transactions in the Operation in seconds. After this time transactions will be declined automatically with "time out" decline reason. 0 means without restrictions
extended_check false no If extended check required for transactions in the Operation
confirm_code_length - no Length of confirmation code for offline mode for transactions in the operation. Can be from 6 to 10 or 64. 64 means short code will be not accepted, e.g. no Offline mode. If this value is not set, then any allowed length of confirmation code will be accepted for transactions in the operation
app_extra null no Purpose of this parameter is to deliver to a mobile app extra data during operation confirmation process. This data will be returned via PC Mobile SDK after call PCOperationssManager.getOperation() method.
For example, this data can be used to provide a deep-link to be called by mobile app after transaction confirmation. Deep-link can open another app or web-browser to continue a customer journey.
Format of this data is unspecified and should be negotiated with mobile app.
This value can contain following variables, which will be set by PC Server: %SYSTEM_ID%, %USER_ID%, %OPERATION_ID%
Example of app-extra: "{\"app_callback_deeplink\":\"https://abs.absnet.local/operation_confirm_results/%SYSTEM_ID%/%USER_ID%/%OPERATION_ID%/\"}"
transactions yes Set of transactions (one or more) to be confirmed (singed) within an Operation
transactions.transaction_data yes Data for transaction. Content the same as transaction_data in Create Transaction request
transactions.snippet no Snippet for transaction. Content the same as snippet in Create Transaction request
transaction.index yes Index in set of transactions to sort the response (to assign returned transaction_id with transaction_data in the response). Must be unique increased digit from 1

Add transaction to Operation

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/operations/{{operation_id}}
method: POST

Request sample

    "transactions": [
            "transaction_data": {
                "text":"Money transfer to account №55556666, amount $500",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "snippet": {
                "text":"account №55556666, $12 000",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "index" : 1
            "transaction_data": {
                "text":"Money transfer to account №77778888, amount $100",
                "text_render_type": "raw"
            "snippet": {
                "text":"account №77778888, $13 000",
                "text_render_type": "markdown"
            "index" : 2

Response sample

    "answer_type": "operation_update",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "operation_update": {
            "pc_operation_version": 1,
            "user_id": "stage-v52-flex-95d2f552-516a-4427-894f-c1f21b7fc605",
            "system_id": "94b309be-5d2c-456e-9cde-82ea0b65e4ed",
            "transactions": [
                    "transaction_id": "22289902-9ccd-44a6-a9f1-54b1372a0651",
                    "index": 1
                    "transaction_id": "9f7e24db-ebce-44b4-af0b-333bf4d31a19",
                    "index": 2
    "answer_version": 3

This request is used to add transactions (one or more) to existing operation.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
transactions yes Set of transactions (one or more) to be confirmed (singed) within an Operation
transactions.transaction_data yes Data for transaction. Content the same as transaction_data in Create Transaction request
transactions.snippet no Snippet for transaction. Content the same as snippet in Create Transaction request
transaction.index yes Index in set of transactions to sort the response (to assign returned transaction_id with transaction_data in the response). Must be unique increased digit from 1

Response contains set of transation_id's of created transactions.

Get Operation Info

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/operations/{{operation_id}}
method: GET

Response sample

    "answer_type": "operation_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "operation_info": {
            "callback_url": "http://abs.absnet.local/operation_callback",
            "notification_type": "Push",
            "pc_operation_version": 1,
            "user_id": "stage-v52-flex-95d2f552-516a-4427-894f-c1f21b7fc605",
            "system_id": "94b309be-5d2c-456e-9cde-82ea0b65e4ed",
            "extended_check": false,
            "operation_id": "3c98041f-d97c-455b-ab7d-6ddf1cde0d58",
            "transactions": [
                    "transaction_id": "55a8c34b-d976-43b0-8adb-9c02945b3e4e",
                    "status": "initialized"
                    "transaction_id": "286395e7-b595-41ec-bb36-268084e9f228",
                    "status": "initialized"
            "ttl": 600,
            "status": "push_sent"
    "answer_version": 3

This request should be used to get operation info, uncluding status of the operation and each transaction in the operation.

If you need detailed information about exact transaction then you should use Get Transaction Details request with transaction_id from an operation.

Operation status can be

Status Description
initialized Operation created
push_sent push-notification sent to a user's mobile device
processed_partially more then 0 but less then all of transactions in the operation are confirmed or declined
processed all of transactions in the operation are confirmed or delined

Get Operations List

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/operations/get_list
method: GET

Response sample

    "answer_type": "operations_list",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "operations_list": [
    "answer_version": 3

Request to get the list of operations in status initialized, push_sent or partially_procced.

Get Operation Data

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/operations/{{operation_id}}/get_data
method: GET

Response sample

    "answer_type": "operation_data",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "operation_data": {
            "extended_check": false,
            "description": {
                "text_render_type": "raw",
                "text": "Payments registry #1"
            "transactions": [
                    "transaction_id": "55a8c34b-d976-43b0-8adb-9c02945b3e4e",
                    "snippet": {
                        "text_render_type": "markdown",
                        "text": "account №11112222, $12 000"
                    "transaction_data": {
                        "binary_data_url": "https://stage.paycontrol.org/52/pc-client-api/jsonrequest_v3/94b309be-5d2c-456e-9cde-82ea0b65e4ed/users/stage-v52-flex-95d2f552-516a-4427-894f-c1f21b7fc605/transactions/55a8c34b-d976-43b0-8adb-9c02945b3e4e/get_binary_data",
                        "text_render_type": "markdown",
                        "text": "Money transfer to account №11112222, amount $1 000"
                    "transaction_id": "286395e7-b595-41ec-bb36-268084e9f228",
                    "snippet": {
                        "text_render_type": "markdown",
                        "text": "account №33334444, $3 000"
                    "transaction_data": {
                        "binary_data_url": "https://stage.paycontrol.org/52/pc-client-api/jsonrequest_v3/94b309be-5d2c-456e-9cde-82ea0b65e4ed/users/stage-v52-flex-95d2f552-516a-4427-894f-c1f21b7fc605/transactions/286395e7-b595-41ec-bb36-268084e9f228/get_binary_data",
                        "text_render_type": "markdown",
                        "text": "Money transfer to account №33334444, amount $3 000"
    "answer_version": 3

This request allows to get data for an operation:

  • operation description
  • transaction_id for each transaction
  • data for each transaction, including text and binary_data_url (if present)
  • snippet for each transaction (if present)

Usually this request is used by mobile part.

Process Operation

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/operations/{{operation_id}}/process
method: POST

Request sample

    "confirm": [
            "transaction_id": "cce39f31-27ab-4c9b-9a39-38866619c7d9",
            "confirm_code": "6aed4a6366dedf1b8188998141630890f095e13f60c9ba9c3a89c121637f278e",
            "signature": "3045022100ffb3e2661bfa7f6821435a48924ee4019531a5beb7f46e23ce8924b5a84d8167022052ca4cefd5fc6b66837419aee0483b9bc10fd5113b92b6082b7be0f9c21c7461"
            "transaction_id": "15984319-3f98-4123-b39d-2d0e5a40e8f8",
            "confirm_code": "6aed4a6366dedf1b8188998141630890f095e13f60c9ba9c3a89c121637f278e",
            "signature": "3045022100ffb3e2661bfa7f6821435a48924ee4019531a5beb7f46e23ce8924b5a84d8167022052ca4cefd5fc6b66837419aee0483b9bc10fd5113b92b6082b7be0f9c21c7461"
    "decline": [
            "transaction_id": "15984319-3f98-4123-b39d-2d0e5a40e8f9",
            "decline_code": "6aed4a6366dedf1b8188998141630890f095e13f60c9ba9c3a89c121637f278e",
            "decline_reason": "not autorized"
            "transaction_id": "05031b3e-9eee-4e7b-9adf-90cc79def383",
            "decline_reason": "canceled"

Response sample

    "answer_type": "operation_processed",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "operation_processed": [
                "transaction_id": "55a8c34b-d976-43b0-8adb-9c02945b3e4e",
                "result": {
                    "error_message": "Success",
                    "error_code": 0
                "transaction_id": "286395e7-b595-41ec-bb36-268084e9f228",
                "result": {
                    "error_message": "Success",
                    "error_code": 0
                "transaction_id": "22289902-9ccd-44a6-a9f1-54b1372a0651",
                "result": {
                    "error_message": "Decline code is incorrect",
                    "error_code": 244
                "transaction_id": "9f7e24db-ebce-44b4-af0b-333bf4d31a19",
                "result": {
                    "error_message": "Success",
                    "error_code": 0
    "answer_version": 3

This request is used to process (confirm or decline) transactions within an operation.

Usually this method is used my mobile app (PC Mobile SDK), but it can be used to cancel transaction in an operation as well.

To cancel operation you should fill decline set with transaction id and decline_reason: canceled, like in request sample.

Parameter Mandatory Description
confirm no set of requests to confirm transactions
confirm.transaction_id yes transaction id to be confirmed
confirm.confirm_code yes symmetric confirmation code (generated by PC Mobile SDK)
confirm.signature depends on asymmetric signature (generated by PC Mobile SDK)
decline no set of requests to decline transactions
decline.transaction_id yes transaction id to be declined
decline.decline_code depends on if decline_reason is not authorized or wrong data then this is symmetric decline code (generated by PC Mobile SDK)
decline.decline_reason yes decline reason. Can be not authorized, wrong data, timeout or canceled

The response will contain processing result for each transaction.

Independent Confirm Codes endpoints

This endpoints set can be used to generate independent confirmation codes.
Generated codes can be sent via independent channel (like SMS or Push-notification) without using PC Server or PC Mobile SDK.

The workflow looks like following:

  1. An Application (back-end) has a Data to be confirmed
  2. The Application creates Confirm Code with one of endpoints bellow
  3. The Application sends Confirm Code to a User via independent channel (SMS/Push/Other)
  4. The User receives Confirm Code and provides it to the Application
  5. The Application verifies the Confirm Code with one of endpoints bellow

In this case:

  • Confirm Code is strictly linked with the Data, time and a Key. It's not randomly generated
  • An Application doesn't have to remember or hold Confirm Code to verify it

There are few options how to use Independent Confirm Codes

  • with PC transaction
  • without PC transaction, but for a PC User
  • common Confirm Code

With Transaction

In case of using this option, Application has to

  • create PC User for each own User
  • create and remember PC Transaction identifier for each Confirm Code

To process confirmation Application does following steps:

  1. Creates a transaction with notification_type: Offline and required confirm_code_length
  2. Calls Create Confirm Code for a Transaction method to create Confirm Code
  3. Calls Confirm transaction method to verify Confirm Code

Create Confirm Code for a Transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/transactions/{{transaction_id}}/gen_confirm_code
method: POST

Request Sample

   "time_sampling_interval": 180

Response Sample

    "answer_type": "confirm_code",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "confirm_code": "815034"
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint is used to generate Confirm Code for a data that is held in a transaction.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
time_sampling_interval 180 no Period of Confirm Code validity (in seconds)

Response contains confirm_code value to be sent to a User

Without Transaction, but for a PC User

In this case Application has to create PC User for each own User.

To process confirmation Application does following steps:

  1. Calls Create Confirm Code for PC User method to create Confirm Code
  2. Calls Check Confirm Code for PC User method to verify Confirm Code

Create Confirm Code for PC User

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/codes/gen_confirm_code
method: POST

Request Sample

   "user_id": "{{user_id}}",
        "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
   "time_sampling_interval": 180,
   "confirm_code_length": 8

Response Sample

    "answer_type": "confirm_code",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "confirm_code": "08717082"
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint is used to generate Confirm Code that is unique for the PC User

Request params

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
user_id - yes PC User ID to generate Confirm Code
transaction_data - yes Data to be confirmed
transaction_data.binary_data - no Binary data to be confirmed in base64. Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
transaction_data.text - no Text to be confirmed, max 10Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets). Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
time_sampling_interval 180 no Period of Confirm Code validity (in seconds)
confirm_code_length 6 no Length of Confirm Code. Can be from 6 to 10

Response contains confirm_code value to be sent to a User

Check Confirm Code for PC User

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/codes/check_confirm_code
method: POST

Request Sample

   "user_id": "{{user_id}}",
        "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
   "time_sampling_interval": 180,
   "confirm_code": "08717082"

Response has result_only object

This request is used to verify Confirm Code for provided Data and PC User

Request params

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
user_id - yes PC User ID to verify Confirm Code
transaction_data - yes Data to be verified
transaction_data.binary_data - no Binary data to be verified in base64. Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
transaction_data.text - no Text to be verified, max 10Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets). Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
time_sampling_interval 180 no Period of Confirm Code validity (in seconds)
confirm_code - yes Confirmation Code to be verified

Common Confirm Code

In case of using this option, Application does not have to do anything except of generating Confirm Codes and verifying them.

To process confirmation Application does following steps:

  1. Calls Create Common Confirm Code method to create Confirm Code
  2. Calls Check Common Confirm Code method to verify Confirm Code

Create Common Confirm Code

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/codes/gen_confirm_code
method: POST

Request Sample

        "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
   "time_sampling_interval": 180,
   "confirm_code_length": 8

Response Sample

    "answer_type": "confirm_code",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "confirm_code": "08717082"
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint is used to generate Confirm Code that is unique for the PC User

Request params

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
transaction_data - yes Data to be confirmed
transaction_data.binary_data - no Binary data to be confirmed in base64. Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
transaction_data.text - no Text to be confirmed, max 10Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets). Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
time_sampling_interval 180 no Period of Confirm Code validity (in seconds)
confirm_code_length 6 no Length of Confirm Code. Can be from 6 to 10

Response contains confirm_code value to be sent to a User

Check Common Confirm Code

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/codes/check_confirm_code
method: POST

Request Sample

        "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
   "time_sampling_interval": 180,
   "confirm_code": "08717082"

Response has result_only object

This request is used to verify Confirm Code for provided Data and PC User

Request params

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
transaction_data - yes Data to be verified
transaction_data.binary_data - no Binary data to be verified in base64. Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
transaction_data.text - no Text to be verified, max 10Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets). Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
time_sampling_interval 180 no Period of Confirm Code validity (in seconds)
confirm_code - yes Confirmation Code to be verified

PKI endpoint

If PC Server is configured to work with PKI, then this endpoint is used for PKI functions:

  • issue certificate
  • get certificate status
  • revoke certificate

PKI functions are available after a user has finished personalization process, e.g. after PC Server has received user's public key.

Issue certificate

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/pki/create_certificate
method: POST

Request sample

    "certificate_request": {
        "DN": "C=SG,ST=Singapore,L=Singapore,O=Airome,CN=Test User",
        "EKU": [
        "ca_extra": {
            "some_extra": "some_value"
    "request_transaction": {
            "text": "Confirm certificate request:   \n**C=SG,ST=Singapore,L=Singapore,O=Airome,CN=Test User**",
            "text_render_type": "markdown"
        "notification_type": "Push",
        "callback_url": "http://abs.absnet.local/transaction_callback",
        "ttl": 0

Response sample

    "answer_type": "certificate_request_created",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "certificate_request_created": {
            "transaction_id": "06a2a194-d1ad-4de0-a877-4f5d77a6b31d",
            "system_id": "548daaa8-1ec3-465b-8543-917424ab5ffe",
            "autosign_enabled": false,
            "pc_transaction_version": 4,
            "confirm_code_length": 0,
            "type": "CSR",
            "ttl": 0,
            "callback_url": "https://paycontrol.org/receive_request/",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-926c3ecf-a683-4510-be0d-d1d9d40ddead",
            "extended_check": false,
            "data_type": "COMBINED",
            "text_render_type": "markdown",
            "confirm_type": "PUSH",
            "status": "initialized"
    "answer_version": 3

This request starts certificate issuing process, which contains following steps

  1. PC Server creates CertificateRequestInfo (see RFC 2986) structure with specified
    • Distinguished Name
    • Extended Key Usage
    • User's public key
  2. PC Server creates a transaction for specified user with
    • text data, specified in request_transaction.transaction_data.text
    • binary data with CertificateRequestInfo
  3. PC Client (mobile app) confirms the transaction, e.g. generates digital signature for CertificateRequestInfo
  4. PC Server creates CertificateRequest (PKCS#10)
  5. PC Server executes certificate issuing process with configured Certification Authority (CA) with created CertificateRequest. If CA requires some additional data, then values will be gotten from ca_extra parameter of the request
  6. PC Server verifies issued certificate

After step 6 PC Server sends a callback as for regular transaction with 2 additional fields: csr_data and certificate.

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
certificate_request y Parameters for certificate request
certificate_request.DN y Distinguished Name for certificate request
certificate_request.EKU y Extended key usage for certificate request
request_transaction y Parameters for PC Transaction, which will be created to sign CertificateRequestInfo. Corresponds to regular transaction parameters.

An answer will contain certificate_request_created object, which corresponds to transaction creation response.

Get status

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/pki/get_certificate_status
method: GET

Response sample

    "answer_type": "certificate_status",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "certificate_status": {
            "certificate": "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",
            "status": "CERT_ISSUED"
    "answer_version": 3

This request should be used for gathering certificate status information.
It initiates certificate's checks, including revocation checks, certificate chain checks and so on (if configured)

An answer will contain certificate_status object

Parameter Default Mandatory Description
cert_request n CertificateRequest (PKCS#10) created at step 4 (see Issue certificate )
certificate n Issued and actual certificate
status y Certificate status

Possible certificate statuses are


Revoke certificate

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/pki/revoke_certificate
method: PATCH

This request initiates request from PC Server to Certification Authority to revoke user's certificate

An answer contains result_only object.

Server Signer User

It can be that you will need to use server-side transactions signing (confirmation) without a mobile device.
To handle this scenarios there is feature called PC Server Signer.
It's a optional service which should be installed separately. This service works like PC Client, but on a server side. It will handle key sets for PC User, calculate digital signatures and confirm transaction on behalf of PC User, communicate with PC Server and so on.

Detailed description of PC Server Signer can be found in corresponded document.

As described there, PC Server Signer can work as owner's signer and as client's signer.

Owner's Signer API

To work as owner's signer, PC Server Signer should be configured to work directly with PC Server. It allows to

  • personalize PC Server Signer automatically after PC User was created with server_signer flag
  • confirm transactions automatically on behalf of Server Signer's user

Transaction confirmation will be processed as usual transaction (with all of verification steps, callbacks and so on).
If PC Server Signer and PC Server configured correctly, then you have not to make any actions to make it work.
PC Server can communicate with different PC Server Signer instances.

Server Signer Personalization

As mentioned before, if PC Server Signer and PC Server configured correctly, then you have not to make any actions to make it work.

When you will create/update a PC User with server_signer flag, PC Server will inform PC Server Signer about a new user.

By default, there is a system property in PC database, which contains PC Server Signer instance url. If you want to add new instance of PC Server Signer you should specify it in create user request like: "signer_url":"http://server-signer.loc:8080/pc-server-signer-api/personalize_async"

After this PC Server Signer will do following steps:

  • request user's key set with Export Key request with random password directly from PC Server
  • generate own key pair
  • register public key and notification address like a mobile device with Change User request

When this process will finish, you can create transactions for this PC User.

Transaction Confirmation (Signing)

Transaction signing process is being processed in the same way.

After you have created a transaction with Push notification type, PC Server will inform PC Server Signer via PC Pusher about new transaction.

PC Server Signer, as a mobile device, will

  • request transaction data from PC Server
  • sign the data
  • make a Confirm Transaction request to PC Server

This will lead to all of verification steps, callbacks, etc.

Manual PC Server Signer actions

If by some reason you do not want to process personalization or confirmation actions automatically, then you can do this manually with PC Server Signer API.


endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/personalize
method: POST
    "system_id": {{system_id}},
    "user_id": {{user_id}}

To start personalization process you should just call personalize end-point and specify system_id and user_id.

Response will contain result_only

Confirm particular transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/confirm
method: POST
    "system_id": {{system_id}},
    "user_id": {{user_id}},
    "transaction_id": {{transaction_id}}

By calling this request, you can start confirmation (transaction signing) process for specified transactions.
PC Server Signer will get transaction data, sign them and call PC Server's confirmation end-point.

Response will contain result_only

Confirm all transactions

endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/confirm_all
method: POST
    "system_id": {{system_id}},
    "user_id": {{user_id}},

By calling this request you can start confirmation (transaction signing) process for all transactions for the PC User.
PC Server Signer will get transaction data, sign them and call PC Server's confirmation end-point in a loop.

Response will contain result_only

Async methods

endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/personalize_async
endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/confirm_async
endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/confirm_all_async

Those end-points will launch corresponding actions asynchronously.
Success-result will be returned rapidly without waiting action result.

Client's Signer

In this case PC Server Signer is installed on Client's side. It means that direct communication with PC Server is impossible.
PC Server Signer will work as 'big Mobile Device', it will communicate with PC External only.

Difference from Owner's side scheme is following:

  • personalization process can't be done automatically, because there is no direct link with PC Server
  • confirmation process can be launched manually only
  • signing without a transaction is possible

Manual PC Server Signer actions


endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/create_user
method: POST
    "key_encryption_password": "123456",
    "pc_key": {
        "pc_key_version": 7,
        "system_id": "f13e4375-e429-496c-ad1e-0fc3c3ecfb53",
        "encrypted_key": {
            "data": "pZ0nQ5Nbr/B6z27mOcw6BM4c9FOWF4cvc06/9iYcqGehey50MHDn9pLtoMhkq1VbmA5Za12CGGlDEjfztgFx7fmwC5PdYZwH",
            "hmac": "HJF29VeOjifKTSGdqnsvrqSWpCDNnFzK+1eshe8DG64=",
            "iv": "WJEx/En/4uE="
        "expiration_timestamp": 1745500499,
        "system_name": "Demo Portal",
        "key_flags": 36639,
        "kek_digits": 6,
        "key_index": 1,
        "pc_external_url": "https://dev.paycontrol.org/api7/pc/pc-client-api/",
        "type": 1,
        "system_settings": {
            "confirm_code_time_sampling_interval": 180,
            "auth_code_time_sampling_interval": 180
        "user_id": "devapi7postpay-72b5656c-8b4e-48e5-8e4e-f3b51cdd8ddc",
        "pc_api_version": 7,
        "is_delayed": false,
        "ext_auth_available_methods": [

Personalization scheme is described in detailed PC Server Signer description

To perform personalization process you should call Create User method to pc-server-signer-api url

Parameter Mandatory Description
key_encryption_password y Shared secret that has been used to export key-json from PC Server. See here or here or here
pc_key y key-json that has been returned on key export (or create, or update) request

Response is result_only object

Adding a public key

Method for adding a public key to perform signature verification

All information is taken from the "pc_key" of the PC user, whose public key will be used to verify the signature.

endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/public_key
method: POST
    "public_key": "3066301F06082A85030701010101301306072A85030202230106082A850307010102020343000440422A52F62D4A833C3BA3DBFCEE840996F89CF83203986FCA70E6B915D27307FAAE4EC2C7A86ACADD2EFC6B11F82BDFD69BD5C1DCD1982F1537D51D4EE70BAF9F",
    "system_id": "f13e4375-e429-496c-ad1e-0fc3c3ecfb53",
    "user_id": "devapi7postpay-afeeeb48-f377-4045-9cce-9eef47ca84e7",
    "type": 1,
    "time_sampling_interval": 180

Parameter Mandatory Description
public_key y The public key that will be used to verify the signature
system_id y Identifier of PC System of the user who owns the public key
user_id y Identifier of the PC user who owns the public key
type y Crypto type for a user's keyset.
0 - ECSDA + SHA-256
1 - GOST 34.10-2012 + GOST 34.11-2012
time_sampling_interval y Sampling interval for signature verification

Response is result_only object

Confirm transactions

To confirm transaction in this use case the same methods are used as for manual Owner's side case.

Confirm one transaction

Confirm all transactions

Async methods

Signing without a Transaction

endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/sign
method: POST

Request sample

    "transaction_data": {
        "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**"
    "snippet": {
        "text":"account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
    "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
    "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c"

Response sample

    "answer_type": "pc_confirmation",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "pc_confirmation": {
            "system_id": "70b5fab6-d3d1-4098-aaf9-450a496855f5",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "transaction_data": {
                "text":"Money transfer to account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**"
            "snippet_text": "account **№213154254**, amount **$12 000**",
            "signature": "e6d48dc2411c420a15a83895e5dba7c84f670a4145f434304e1b9fb2e08af05880ba3279faabcafc66415275e435d2e4fcffee7ab55269b5990ee78ca9f6f47e",
            "confirm_code": "861f99214b3c43541e3fc301784ba7877c2377dd1d0f7d212f802c4072767622",
            "check_time": 1719475251,
            "gost_imit": null,
            "time_sampling_interval": 180
    "answer_version": 3

This method is used to create a signed data package with PC Server Signer without creating a transaction on PC Server.

Parameter Mandatory Description
transaction_data y Object with data to be confirmed (signed)
n Binary data for the transaction in base64. Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
n Text for the transaction, max 10Kb length (pay attention at multi-bytes charsets). Must be set at least one of binary_data or text
snippet n Transaction snippet to show short description about data in mobile app
y Short transaction description to show in mobile app. If you create snippet, then snippet.text is mandatory
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier.

Response contains signed data object - pc_confirmation.

Response of this call (object pc_confirmation) can be passed directly without any changes to PC Server's Check Confirmation endpoint.

In addition, receiver-side (where PC Server is installed) can use pc_confirmation object to extract signed data. E.g. pc_confirmation can be used as signed data package

Check signature

The signature verification method. It is only used to verify an asymmetric signature. The confirmation code will not be verified.

endpoint: {{pc-server-signer-api}}/validate_signature
method: POST

Request sample

    "signature": "368fcb5597e16f8def4f6dac8ae88e8d21237ed3658d28de297a29ef474569c5b39690a16db8d4deca7fa801ce21e64e906f660b44932c119f444569fe7b5fde",
    "check_time": 1722341737,
    "transaction_data": {
        "text": " some_text",
        "binary_data": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhISE="
    "snippet_text": "some_text",
    "system_id": "f13e4375-e429-496c-ad1e-0fc3c3ecfb53",
    "user_id": "devapi7postpay-afeeeb48-f377-4045-9cce-9eef47ca84e7"

Response sample Success

    "answer_type": "result_only",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
    "answer_version": 3

Response sample Invalid signature

    "answer_type": "result_only",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Invalid signature",
            "error_code": 212
    "answer_version": 3

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier. In case of absense - method will check Independent Common Confirm Code
transaction_data y Data to be verified
snippet_text n Transaction snippet. If snippet was present in the original transaction, you need to pass same value for successfully confirmation check.
signature y Signature (asymmetric) to be verified
check_time y Unix time stamp (in seconds) in which confirmation was generated

Events endpoint

This endpoint is used for PC Events management.

In usual cases Application does not use this endpoint. But if Application needs to register some event - it can be done.

Each PC Event contains following data:

Parameter Mandatory Description
event_type y Type of the Event. Can be any string valut. For example, password_incorrect
event.device_event_id n Event identifier, generated by mobile device. Any unique string value. PC Mobile SDK uses UUID values
event.session_id n Sessing identified, generated by mobile device. Any unique string value. PC Mobile SDK uses UUID values and updates it at PC SDK initialization
event.device_time n Unix timestamp from mobile device in milliseconds
event.device_info n Information about mobile device. Any string value. PC Mobile SDK collects device info in JSON format.

Register Event

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/{{system_id}}/users/{{user_id}}/events
method: POST

Request sample

    "event_type": "password_incorrect",
    "event": {
        "device_info":"Peter's iPhone"

Request sample for key_deleted event

    "event_type": "key_deleted",
    "event": {
        "device_info":"Peter's iPhone"

Response sample

    "answer_type": "event_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "event_info": {
            "device_event_id": "42848689-13ac-405e-95ae-2c628efe62d8",
            "device_info": "Peter's iPhone",
            "event_id": 4266,
            "request_type": "password_incorrect",
            "user_id": "rest-api-test-4d02bd9e-ac11-4661-86c5-c7c7965e6a4c",
            "session_id": "7e9f60d5-0afb-43c2-8c42-2d7222d83ef0"
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint should be used to register any event.

In usual cases it is used by mobile app to collect events from mobile device.

key_deleted event PC has one specialized event - key_deleted. During processing this event PC removes push-address from user's record to avoid sending push notification to person's smartphone. To be shure that PC removes correct push-address this request should contain push_address object with following fields:

Parameter Mandatory Description
push_address.device_type y One of options listed in Device types table
push_address.device_push_id y Device push identifier from Mobile OS

Get Event Details

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/events/{{event_id}}
method: GET

Request does not contain params

Response sample

    "answer_type": "event_info",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "event_info": {
            "request_type": "change_user",
            "system_id": "f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da",
            "pc_instance_name": "pcs-node-1",
            "created_at": 1652795952858,
            "event_data": "{\"current\":{\"public_key\":\"3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d030107034200042ef111f3be77c74abeac08c87c9ee27a56ae53bc546d4e15fb9ff9f372a98794bcc7e95c538035fc3bb0d9c1ba0e46ca5fa394425a400793c3888e7c375dda5e\",\"user_name\":\"Modified User Name\",\"push_address\":{\"device_push_id\":\"ftMhW9ApSEU:APA91bG-v-mvr_1y6MXDF91VDxmCkEnyIwkieKuf5zVY__wdUPhIZUbir5j-5UcDjb7x_YPiakLg8Ismdw55QtQxRZEy0-ufjOchPX2zUA_rx3NlCFsxJoOIawjZL2ZgwXV0DEGRz5R7\",\"device_type\":\"Android\",\"app_id\":\"org.paycontrol.app\"}},\"previous\":{\"public_key\":\"\",\"user_name\":\"\"}}",
            "request_url": "http://dev.paycontrol.org/pc-api/f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da/users/devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d",
            "requester_ip_address": ",",
            "request_result": 0,
            "pc_version": {
                "pc_version": "99-app_extra.272-pgsql",
                "product": "PC Server",
                "pc_api_version": 5
            "event_id": 1857,
            "updated_at": 1652795952938,
            "user_id": "devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d",
            "connection_info": {
                "dst": {
                    "port": "8080",
                    "ip": "",
                    "mac": ""
                "src": {
                    "port": "55496",
                    "ip": "",
                    "mac": "02-42-AC-1E-00-02"
    "answer_version": 3

This request should be used to get event details

Get events

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/events/
method: POST

Request sample

    "system_id": "e55d3d79-327e-4c23-b152-967a57258d57",
    "user_id": "efa59ce9-9b10-48b5-8fcf-bf25c4267214",
    "is_cleaned": false,
    "date_from": "2020-07-06 22:12:22.0 +0000",
    "date_to": "2021-07-06 22:12:22.0 +0000"

Response sample

    "answer_type": "events",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "events": {
            "events_to_post_list": [
                    "request_type": "change_user",
                    "system_id": "f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da",
                    "pc_instance_name": "pcs-node-1",
                    "created_at": 1652795952858,
                    "event_data": "{\"current\":{\"public_key\":\"3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d030107034200042ef111f3be77c74abeac08c87c9ee27a56ae53bc546d4e15fb9ff9f372a98794bcc7e95c538035fc3bb0d9c1ba0e46ca5fa394425a400793c3888e7c375dda5e\",\"user_name\":\"Modified User Name\",\"push_address\":{\"device_push_id\":\"ftMhW9ApSEU:APA91bG-v-mvr_1y6MXDF91VDxmCkEnyIwkieKuf5zVY__wdUPhIZUbir5j-5UcDjb7x_YPiakLg8Ismdw55QtQxRZEy0-ufjOchPX2zUA_rx3NlCFsxJoOIawjZL2ZgwXV0DEGRz5R7\",\"device_type\":\"Android\",\"app_id\":\"org.paycontrol.app\"}},\"previous\":{\"public_key\":\"\",\"user_name\":\"\"}}",
                    "request_url": "http://dev.paycontrol.org/pc-api/f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da/users/devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d",
                    "requester_ip_address": ",",
                    "request_result": 0,
                    "pc_version": {
                        "pc_version": "5.4.272-pgsql",
                        "product": "PC Server",
                        "pc_api_version": 5
                    "event_id": 1857,
                    "updated_at": 1652795952938,
                    "user_id": "devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d",
                    "connection_info": {
                        "dst": {
                            "port": "8080",
                            "ip": "",
                            "mac": ""
                        "src": {
                            "port": "55496",
                            "ip": "",
                            "mac": "02-42-AC-1E-00-02"
                    "pc_version": {
                        "pc_version": "5.4.272-pgsql",
                        "product": "PC Server",
                        "pc_api_version": 5
                    "event_id": 1840,
                    "request_type": "create_operation",
                    "user_id": "devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d",
                    "connection_info": {
                        "dst": {
                            "port": "8080",
                            "ip": "",
                            "mac": ""
                        "src": {
                            "port": "50422",
                            "ip": "",
                            "mac": "02-42-AC-1E-00-02"
                    "system_id": "f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da",
                    "pc_instance_name": "pcs-node-1",
                    "created_at": 1652786366866,
                    "operation_id": "90fe77c4-13ec-4043-98af-20896530ae26",
                    "request_url": "http://dev.paycontrol.org/pc-api/f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da/users/devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d/operations/90fe77c4-13ec-4043-98af-20896530ae26",
                    "requester_ip_address": ",",
                    "request_result": 0
                    "pc_version": {
                        "pc_version": "5.4.272-pgsql",
                        "product": "PC Server",
                        "pc_api_version": 5
                    "event_id": 1839,
                    "request_type": "create_operation",
                    "user_id": "devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d",
                    "connection_info": {
                        "dst": {
                            "port": "8080",
                            "ip": "",
                            "mac": ""
                        "src": {
                            "port": "50232",
                            "ip": "",
                            "mac": "02-42-AC-1E-00-02"
                    "system_id": "f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da",
                    "pc_instance_name": "pcs-node-1",
                    "created_at": 1652786315167,
                    "request_url": "http://dev.paycontrol.org/pc-api/f41c7f8e-a655-4540-9cac-f499468329da/users/devapi5postpay-cf86ef01-04d4-42d6-b7fd-b31c01c06e1d/operations",
                    "requester_ip_address": ",",
                    "request_result": 0
            "total_count": 3,
            "from": 0,
            "to": 3
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint is used for fetching array of events with filter opportunity in request and simple pagination

Filter options:

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
system_id no String system_id
user_id no String user_id
transaction_id no String transaction_id
operation_id no String operation_id
pc_instance_name no String see
session_id no String see
request_type no String type of request see
request_result no String result of the request see
requester_ip no String IP address of the requester see
is_cleaned no boolean if we look for already cleaned events or no (true/false)
date_from no String (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z) search start date
date_to no String (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z) end date of search
from no integer get results from position

Clean events

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/events/
method: DELETE

Request sample


    "user_id": "local-0254a69d-5d2d-4b87-a1d5-0da7e8410524",
    "date_from": "2021-08-13 15:26:00.0 +0000",
    "date_to": "2021-08-13 16:06:22.0 +0000"

Response sample

    "answer_type": "cleaned_events",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "cleaned_events": {
            "events_to_post_list": [
                    "transaction_id": "792fc97d-f268-48cc-8842-2be00ee956b9",
                    "pc_version": {
                        "pc_version": "5.2",
                        "product": "PC Server",
                        "pc_api_version": 4
                    "event_id": 4782,
                    "request_type": "get_transaction_data",
                    "connection_info": {},
                    "user_id": "local-0254a69d-5d2d-4b87-a1d5-0da7e8410524",
                    "system_id": "4cad6f8c-59dd-4248-a7e2-00a5470eff59",
                    "created_at": 1628868464022,
                    "request_url": "",
                    "requester_ip_address": "",
                    "request_result": 0
                    "pc_version": {
                        "pc_version": "5.2",
                        "product": "PC Server",
                        "pc_api_version": 4
                    "event_id": 4781,
                    "request_type": "create_transaction",
                    "connection_info": {},
                    "user_id": "local-0254a69d-5d2d-4b87-a1d5-0da7e8410524",
                    "system_id": "4cad6f8c-59dd-4248-a7e2-00a5470eff59",
                    "created_at": 1628868447785,
                    "request_url": "",
                    "requester_ip_address": "",
                    "request_result": 0
            "total_count": 2,
            "from": 0,
            "to": 2
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint is used for clean big size events fields like device_info, event_data, connection_info for selected events by filtering in request and simple pagination

Filter options:

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
system_id no String system_id
user_id no String user_id
request_type no String type of request see
request_result no String result of the request see
requester_ip no String IP address of the requester see
date_from no String (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z) search start date
date_to no String (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z) end date of search
from no integer get results from position


Pagination parameters in server response:

  "total_count": 2,
  "from": 1,
  "to": 2

Each request get events or clean events returns array of events. Maximum size of this array is limited by 200 elements. Each response has a pagination parameters as follows:

Parameter Type Description
total_count integer total count of events for request with applied filter
from integer starting position of server's response
to integer finishing position of server's response

Conflicts resolving endpoint

This endpoint is used to verify signatures generated by PC and get detailed information about PC users

Check Confirmation

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/rks/check_confirmation
method: POST

Request sample

        "text":"Money transfer to account №213154254, amount $12 000"
    "snippet_text": "Transfer - $12 000",
    "gost_imit": "3e4b879d799cad9d9866cca9a3b949e015b5f6430cabe8eb3df878102a49b2d1",

Response sample

    "answer_type": "check_confirmation_result",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "check_confirmation_result": {
            "check_error_message": "Signature is invalid",
            "key_id": 131,
            "tlv_data": "11000000aec390c29fc390c2b5c391c280c390c2b5c390c2b2c390c2bec390c2b420c391c281c391c280c390c2b5c390c2b4c391c281c391c282c390c2b220c390c2bdc390c2b020c391c281c391c287c391c291c391c28220c3a2c284c29632313331353432353420c390c2bdc390c2b020c391c281c391c283c390c2bcc390c2bcc391c28320313230303020c391c280c391c283c390c2b1c390c2bbc390c2b5c390c2b948656c6c6f20576f726c642121211200000032726573742d6170692d746573742d34643032626439652d616331312d343636312d383663352d633763373936356536613463140000000383b6ed",
            "publickey_id": 88,
            "check_error_code": 278
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint should be used to check signature and/or confirmation code generated by PC.

Signature and/or confirmation code with timestamp will be returned to Application in transaction callback (see Transaction endpoint description) and should be stored by Application with transaction data as digital signature.

If someone wants to check this signature then he can do this with this endpoint.

Request params:

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id n PC user's identifier. In case of absense - method will check Independent Common Confirm Code
transaction_data y Data to be verified
snippet_text n Transaction snippet. If snippet was present in the original transaction, you need to pass same value for successfully confirmation check.
confirm_code y Confirmation code (symmetric) to be verified
signature n Signature (asymmetric) to be verified
gost_imit n Server-side HMAC (imit) value
check_time y Unix time stamp (in seconds) in which confirmation was generated
time_sampling_interval n Period of validity of Confirm Code in case of checking Independent Common Confirm Code or Independent Confirm Code without Transaction

Response contains result object and check_confirmation_result object with following fields:

Parameter Description
check_error_code Error code generated during checking
check_error_message Error message generated during checking
key_id User's key (symmetric) identifier used to check confirmation code
publickey_id User's public key (asymmetric) identifier used to check confirmation code
tlv_data Binary data in hex-format used as input for cryptographic algorithms. Generated by PC rules from transaction data, time, device fingerprint, user identifier and so on.

Check CMS Signature

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/rks/check_cms
method: POST

Request sample

        "text":"Money transfer to account №213154254, amount $12 000"

Response sample

    "answer_type": "check_cms_result",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "check_cms_result": {
            "check_error_message": "Success",
            "certificates": [
                    "public_key": {
                        "publickeyid": 13,
                        "public_key": "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d0301070342000416a8c8944d070a84d69179b971e7888e6c6cdca66c1f7ef976f9dde227c57bb9febfc294ef54c4ee1d1b41b21b9cc30675907bc4ed8e01bfa683539eeef65aa3",
                        "eventid": 188,
                        "is_deleted": 0,
                        "created_at": "2020-05-29 22:57:06.803 +0300",
                        "keyid": 9
                    "cms_certificate": "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",
                    "user_certificate": {
                        "certrequest": "MIIBETCBugIBADBaMQswCQYDVQQGEwJTRzESMBAGA1UECAwJU2luZ2Fwb3JlMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlTaW5nYXBvcmUxDzANBgNVBAoMBkFpcm9tZTESMBAGA1UEAwwJVGVzdCBVc2VyMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEFqjIlE0HCoTWkXm5ceeIjmxs3KZsH375dvnd4ifFe7n+v8KU71TE7h0bQbIbnMMGdZB7xO2OAb+mg1Oe7vZaozAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNGADBDAh9GsJ9/EYGoLQ24Z6lYuMNWXH3X+T+ACeK/rfpqI6+kAiAWeZatHpVBMlJTA79Kyu8qHQcCzywqvwECGZIMiTCkFA==",
                        "publickeyid": 13,
                        "certrequestinfo": "MIG6AgEAMFoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlNHMRIwEAYDVQQIDAlTaW5nYXBvcmUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNpbmdhcG9yZTEPMA0GA1UECgwGQWlyb21lMRIwEAYDVQQDDAlUZXN0IFVzZXIwWTATBgcqhkjOPQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAAQWqMiUTQcKhNaReblx54iObGzcpmwffvl2+d3iJ8V7uf6/wpTvVMTuHRtBshucwwZ1kHvE7Y4Bv6aDU57u9lqj",
                        "is_deleted": 0,
                        "updated_at": "2020-08-13 15:53:09.714 +0300",
                        "certificateid": 33,
                        "certificate": "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",
                        "created_at": "2020-08-13 15:41:01.310 +0300",
                        "ca_extra": {
                            "privyId": "123456",
                            "privyId_enrollmentCode": "123456",
                            "privyId_merchantKey": "123456"
                        "transactionid": "06a2a194-d1ad-4de0-a877-4f5d77a6b31d",
                        "status": 3
                    "key_info": {
                        "eventid": 0,
                        "is_deleted": 0,
                        "key_content": "750230565d54755b3d2c160411216a5d6b796b59681441456a2e21727b1a0736606532406a16181d706408052076410b22001b53251f5c3c395d7657530e3c37",
                        "key_flags": 2048,
                        "keyid": 9,
                        "created_at": "2020-05-28 17:33:19.578 +0300",
                        "user_key_version": 1,
                        "expiration_date": "2021-05-28 17:33:19.577 +0300",
                        "userid": "rest-api-test-926c3ecf-a683-4510-be0d-d1d9d40ddead"
                    "cms_created_at": "2020-08-13 17:46:39.0 +0300"
            "check_error_code": 0
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint should be used to check CMS digital signature, generated by PC with user's certificate.

CMS signature MUST contain signed attribute with OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.5 (signing-time) to identify PC user's details for exact moment.

If someone wants to check this signature then he can do this with this endpoint.

Request params:

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier
transaction_data y data to be verified
cms_signature y CMS digital signature (hex-representation)

Response contains result object and check_cms_result object with following fields:

Parameter Description
check_error_code Error code generated during checking
check_error_message Error message generated during checking
certificates Set of CMS signer's certificates with information about PC user, corresponded with those certificate and signing-time

During CMS verification PC Server proceeds following steps:

  1. Extract set of SignerInfos
  2. For each SignerInfo
    • verifies signature with signer's certificate
    • extract signing-time
    • find user's data, which was actual for signing-time
    • find user's certificate, which was actual for signing-time
    • compare certificate in CMS SignerInfo with user's certificate in PC database
  3. Build a response

Check Signed PDF

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/rks/check_pdf
method: POST

Request sample


Response sample

    "answer_type": "check_pdf_result",
    "answer": {
        "result": {
            "error_message": "Success",
            "error_code": 0
        "check_pdf_result": {
            "check_error_message": "Success",
            "certificates": [
                    "public_key": {
                        "publickeyid": 13,
                        "public_key": "3059301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d0301070342000416a8c8944d070a84d69179b971e7888e6c6cdca66c1f7ef976f9dde227c57bb9febfc294ef54c4ee1d1b41b21b9cc30675907bc4ed8e01bfa683539eeef65aa3",
                        "eventid": 188,
                        "is_deleted": 0,
                        "created_at": "2020-05-29 22:57:06.803 +0300",
                        "keyid": 9
                    "cms_certificate": "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",
                    "user_certificate": {
                        "certrequest": "MIIBETCBugIBADBaMQswCQYDVQQGEwJTRzESMBAGA1UECAwJU2luZ2Fwb3JlMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlTaW5nYXBvcmUxDzANBgNVBAoMBkFpcm9tZTESMBAGA1UEAwwJVGVzdCBVc2VyMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEFqjIlE0HCoTWkXm5ceeIjmxs3KZsH375dvnd4ifFe7n+v8KU71TE7h0bQbIbnMMGdZB7xO2OAb+mg1Oe7vZaozAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNGADBDAh9GsJ9/EYGoLQ24Z6lYuMNWXH3X+T+ACeK/rfpqI6+kAiAWeZatHpVBMlJTA79Kyu8qHQcCzywqvwECGZIMiTCkFA==",
                        "publickeyid": 13,
                        "certrequestinfo": "MIG6AgEAMFoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlNHMRIwEAYDVQQIDAlTaW5nYXBvcmUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCVNpbmdhcG9yZTEPMA0GA1UECgwGQWlyb21lMRIwEAYDVQQDDAlUZXN0IFVzZXIwWTATBgcqhkjOPQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAAQWqMiUTQcKhNaReblx54iObGzcpmwffvl2+d3iJ8V7uf6/wpTvVMTuHRtBshucwwZ1kHvE7Y4Bv6aDU57u9lqj",
                        "is_deleted": 0,
                        "updated_at": "2020-08-13 15:53:09.714 +0300",
                        "certificateid": 33,
                        "certificate": "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",
                        "created_at": "2020-08-13 15:41:01.310 +0300",
                        "ca_extra": {
                            "privyId": "123456",
                            "privyId_enrollmentCode": "123456",
                            "privyId_merchantKey": "123456"
                        "transactionid": "06a2a194-d1ad-4de0-a877-4f5d77a6b31d",
                        "status": 3
                    "key_info": {
                        "eventid": 0,
                        "is_deleted": 0,
                        "key_content": "750230565d54755b3d2c160411216a5d6b796b59681441456a2e21727b1a0736606532406a16181d706408052076410b22001b53251f5c3c395d7657530e3c37",
                        "key_flags": 2048,
                        "keyid": 9,
                        "created_at": "2020-05-28 17:33:19.578 +0300",
                        "user_key_version": 1,
                        "expiration_date": "2021-05-28 17:33:19.577 +0300",
                        "userid": "rest-api-test-926c3ecf-a683-4510-be0d-d1d9d40ddead"
                    "cms_created_at": "2020-08-13 17:46:39.0 +0300"
            "check_error_code": 0
    "answer_version": 3

This endpoint should be used to check digital signature from signed PDF, generated by PC with user's certificate.

During execution CMS signature will be extracted from signed PDF and verified like in Check CMS Signature endpoint.

CMS signature MUST contain signed attribute with OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.5 (signing-time) to identify PC user's details for exact moment.

If someone wants to check signed PDF then he can do this with this endpoint.

Request params:

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier
transaction_data.binary_data y signed PDF to be verified

Response contains result object and check_pdf_result object which equals to check_cms_result (see Check CMS Signature )

Get User Detailed Information

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/rks/user_data
method: POST

Request sample

    "date_from": "2020-05-12 23:37:53.0 +0300",
    "date_to": "2020-05-12 23:37:54.0 +0300",

This endpoint should be used to get detailed information about user, including keys, events, devices and so on.

Request params:

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier
date_from y Date in string format to get information form
date_to y Date in string format to get information to
active_only y exclude information marked as "deleted"

Response will contain detailed information about user.

Get Transactions Detailed Information

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/rks/transaction_data
method: POST

Request sample

    "date_from": "2018-10-09 00:00:00.0 +0300",
    "date_to": "2021-12-09 12:00:00.0 +0300",

This endpoint should be used to get detailed information about transactions for a user.

Request params:

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier
date_from y Date in string format to get information form
date_to y Date in string format to get information to
active_only y exclude information marked as "deleted"

Response will contain detailed information about user's transaction for specified period.

Get Events Detailed Information

endpoint: {{pc-server-api}}/rks/event_data
method: POST

Request sample

    "date_from": "2018-10-09 00:00:00.0 +0300",
    "date_to": "2021-12-09 12:00:00.0 +0300",

This endpoint should be used to get detailed information about events for a user.

Request params:

Parameter Mandatory Description
system_id y Identifier of PC System
user_id y PC user's identifier
date_from y Date in string format to get information form
date_to y Date in string format to get information to
active_only y exclude information marked as "deleted"

Response will contain detailed information about user's events for specified period.


PC can return following errors:

Code Name Meaning
0 NORMAL Success
100 JAVA_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal Error
200 SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ERROR System property error
201 SYSTEM_ID_IS_NULL System ID is null
202 SYSTEM_ID_IS_WRONG System ID is wrong
203 SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND System not found
204 SYSTEM_IS_DELETED System has been deleted
205 SYSTEM_NAME_IS_NULL System name is null
206 USER_ID_IS_NULL User ID is null
207 USER_ID_PREF_IS_NULL User ID prefix is null
208 USER_NOT_FOUND User not found
209 USER_IS_DELETED User has been deleted
210 DS_VERIFY_ERROR Digital signature is not valid
211 DS_STRUCT_ERROR Digital signature is corrupted
212 STORE_TYPE_IS_WRONG Key storage type is unsupported
213 KEY_CONTAINER_ALIAS_IS_NULL Key alias is null
214 KEY_CONTAINER_NOT_EXISTS Key container does not exist
215 TRANSACTION_DATA_UID_ERROR Transaction data is corrupted (User ID does not match)
216 TRANSACTION_DATA_ERROR Transaction data error
217 TRANSACTION_DATA_IS_NULL Transaction data is null
218 REPORT_TPL_IS_NULL Report template is null
219 REQUEST_ERROR Request error
220 SYSTEM_ID_NOT_UNIQUE System ID is not unique
221 REQUEST_SIGNATURE_NOT_VALID Requset digital signature invalid
222 SYSTEM_NOT_VALID System is not valid
232 TRANSACTION_CHECKED Transaction is confirmed
234 INCORRECT_USER_TYPE User type is incorrect
235 COLLECTION_IS_EMPTY Collection is empty
236 NO_RESULT Empty result
237 PIN_IS_EMPTY PIN is empty
238 FPRINT_IS_EMPTY Fingerprint is empty
239 OTP_IS_NOT_VALID Offline confirmation code is not valid
240 VALID_DATE_EXPIRED Key has expired
241 SYSTEM_TYPE_IS_WRONG System type is not valid
242 SPART_LENGTH_IS_WRONG Second key part length is not valid
243 DATA_TYPE_IS_WRONG Data type is wrong
244 INVALID_HMAC HMAC is not valid
245 KEY_INFO_NOT_FOUND User key not found
246 WRONG_SYSTEM_TYPE System type is not valid
247 FPRINT_IS_NOT_EMPTY Fingerprint is already set
248 WRONG_AUTH_CODE Authentication code is invalid
249 CONFIRM_TYPE_IS_NULL Confirm type is null
250 STORE_TYPE_IS_NULL Key store type is null
251 DEVICE_TYPE_IS_NULL Device type is null
252 TRANSACTION_DATA_TYPE_IS_NULL Transaction data type is null
253 USER_ID_PREF_TOO_LONG User ID Prefix is too long
254 CONFIRM_CODE_LENGTH_IS_WRONG Confirmation code length is not valid
255 CONFIRM_CODE_IS_NULL Confrimation code is null
256 TRANSACTION_ID_IS_NULL Transaction ID is null
257 STATUS_LIST_IS_EMPTY Transaction status list is empty
258 DEVICE_ID_IS_NULL Device ID is null
259 DEVICE_TYPE_IS_INCORRECT Device type is incorrect
261 INVALID_OTP Offline confirmation code is not valid
263 INVALID_KDF Export param format is not valid
264 PIN_LENGTH_IS_WRONG PIN length is invalid
267 TRANSACTION_STATUS_INVALID Invalid transaction status
268 AUTH_CODE_IS_NULL Authentication code is null
269 STATUS_LIST_IS_INCORRECT Status list is incorrect
270 DECLINE_REASON_IS_NULL Decline reason is null
271 TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_UNIQUE Transaction is not unique
272 BILL_DATE_CORRUPTED Billing date is corrupted
273 USER_BILL_DATE_CORRUPTED User billing date is corrupted
274 TRANSACTION_IS_DELETED Transaction is marked as deleted
275 BILL_REQUEST_ALREADY_PROCESSED Request for close billing already processed
276 PUBKEY_IS_EMPTY Public key is empty
277 PUBKEY_IS_NOT_EMPTY Public key was already set
278 SIGNATURE_IS_INVALID Signature is invalid
279 SIGNATURE_IS_NULL Signature is null
280 SIGNATURE_AND_CONFIRM_CODE_ARE_NULL Signature or confirm code must be specified
281 TRANSACTION_EXPIRED Transaction expired
282 JSON_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED JSON scheme not supported
283 JSON_REQUEST_INCORRECT JSON request is incorrect
284 LICENSE_UPDATE_ERROR License update error
285 LICENSE_EXPIRED License expired
286 LICENSE_USER_COUNT_EXCEEDED Licensed users count exceeded
287 BILLING_TYPE_CORRUPTED Billing type corrupted in database
288 HTTP_AUTH_CODE_INVALID HTTP Authorization failed
289 NOT_SUPPORTED Operation not supported
290 EXT_AUTH_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND Extended authentication template not found
291 EXT_AUTH_FAILED Extended authentication failed
292 EXT_AUTH_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Extended authentication type not supported
293 EXT_AUTH_NEEDED Extended authentication needed
294 USER_IS_BLOCKED User is blocked
295 KEY_EXPIRED The key has been expired, to continue you should update the key
296 LICENSE_NOT_FOUND License not found
297 PUSH_NOT_FOUND Device ID not found
298 SCORING_SETTINGS_IS_NULL Scoring settings not set
299 AUTOSING_SIGNATURE_IS_INVALID Signature for autoconfirm is invalid
300 SERVER_SCORING_SETTINGS_INCORRECT Scoring settings are invalid on the server
301 SCORING_FAILED Scoring failed
302 HIGH_SCORING_RISK_LEVEL Scoring risk level is very high
304 AUTOSIGN_FAILED Transaction autoconfirm failed
305 AUTOSIGN_NOT_ALLOWED Autoconfirm is not allowed
306 ATTEMPT_ID_IS_NULL Attempt ID not set
307 FLEXIBLE_LICENSE_ERROR Flexible license error
308 UNSUPPORTED_BILLING_TYPE Unsupported billing type
309 LICENSE_ERROR License error
310 OPERATION_NOT_EXISTS Operation not exists
311 TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_IN_OPERATION Transaction is not in operation
312 OPERATION_STATUS_INVALID Operation status invalid
313 CREATE_OPERATION_ERROR Create operation error
314 REMOTE_UPDATE_ERROR Remote update error, attempts remained:
315 REMOTE_UPDATE_ERROR_BLOCK Remote update error, user was blocked
316 REMOTE_UPDATE_DISABLED Remote update disabled
317 OPERATION_EXPIRED Operation has been expired
318 DN_IS_NULL Distinguished Name not set
319 CERT_REQUEST_PARAMS_IS_NULL Certificate request params not set
320 CERT_ISSUE_ERROR Certificate issuing error
321 NO_CERT_REQUEST Certificate Request or Certificate is absent
322 NO_CERT No certificate for this operation
323 NO_PKI_SETTINGS_DEFINED No PKI settings defined in service configuration
324 CAN_NOT_USE_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN Can not use one or more certificates in provided chain
325 CERT_STATUS_INVALID Certificate status invalid for this operation
326 CERT_REVOKE_ERROR Certificate revocation error
327 CERT_DOES_NOT_MATCH Certificate in CMS does not match with certificate for a user
328 INCORRECT_TRANSACTION_TYPE Incorrect transaction type
329 INCORRECT_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS Incorrect access permissions for signed PDF
330 INCORRECT_PDF_DATA Incorrect PDF data
331 PDF_DATA_NOT_COMPLIES_CMS PDF data not complies CMS-signature
333 URL_TEMPLATE_NOT_DEFINED URL template for Deep Link is not defined
334 PUBKEY_SIGNATURE_IS_EMPTY Signature to change public key is not defined
335 AUTOSIGN_PUBKEY_SIGNATURE_IS_EMPTY Signature to change auto-sign public key is not defined
336 KEY_INDEX_OBSOLETED The key has been replaced with new one
337 KEY_INDEX_WRONG Server can not find your key with defined index
338 DEVICE_FINGERPRINT_MISMATCH Device fingerprint mismatch
339 REQUEST_IS_LOCKED_BY_ANOTHER_REQUEST The same request is in progress
340 KEY_NOT_ACTIVATED The key is not activated
341 ACTIVATION_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED Activation attempts count exceeded
342 ACTIVATION_CODE_INCORRECT Incorrect activation code. Attempts left:
343 PASSWORD_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED Enter password attempts exceeded
344 PASSWORD_INCORRECT Incorrect password. Attempts left:
345 PASSWORD_NOT_SET Password is not defined
346 CREDENTIALS_NOT_INITIALIZED Password is not defined
348 EVENTS_REMOVEMENT_IS_NOT_ALLOWED Events remove is not allowed
349 TIME_SYNC_ERROR Time between mobile device and PC Server is not synchronized
350 QR_GENERATION_ERROR Can not generate QR-code, data is too long
351 CRYPT_TYPE_IS_NOT_DEFINED Crypt type is not defined
352 FEATURE_IS_NOT_LICENSED The feature is not licensed


version: 6.4.0


  • Implemented persistent storage of GOST keys in the database. This enhancement ensures reliable storage of keys in scenarios where the application is run in a container environment or in a distributed architecture with multiple instances of PC Server Signer. This solution enhances system stability and security by ensuring key availability even during restarts or load distribution across instances.


  • Minor bugs fixes and other improvements.

version: 6.3.2


  • The update to version 9.3.0 of the Firebase Admin Java SDK (com.google.firebase). This fixes bug with sending pushes through sendAll() method.

issue on github

version: 6.3.1


docker run -d \
 -v /path/to/cert.pem:/opt/certs/cert.pem \
 -e TRUST_CERT=/opt/certs/cert.pem \


  • New Feature: Automatic Truststore update for PC modules in Docker Containers.

A new feature has been added to Docker images to enhance the handling of self-signed certificates. This feature allows you to easily add custom certificates to the Java truststore within a Docker container.

How it Works:

  1. Mount Certificate: Mount a certificate in PEM or DER format to the Docker container.
  2. Environment Variable: Set the environment variable TRUST_CERT to the path of the mounted certificate.
  3. Truststore Update: The container will automatically add the certificate specified by the TRUST_CERT variable to the Java truststore.

version: 6.3.0


  • Enhanced ServerSigner to support verifying signature of arbitrary data.
  • Added timezone in visualizing signature stamp in PDF (mobile device timezone if events are switched on or server timezone)


  • Fixed database indexes

version: 6.2.0


  • Enhanced ServerSigner to support signing of arbitrary data.


  • Fixed reusing of delayed key-info with online-credentials flag.
  • Prevented logs from being spammed with NO_PKI_SETTINGS_DEFINED error.
  • Fixed logging level in pusher for missing default credentials message.
  • Addressed issue with PC Server Signer hanging during entropy formation for ГОСТ key pairs.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

version: 6.1.2

  • pc-server jar and it's libs packed to single file for web repo publishing

version: 6.1.1


  • Fixed incorrect generation of links for PCS requests in ServerSigner. Now all interaction between PC Server and PC Server Signer is carried out via PC External in case of PC Server Signer is externally hosted.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

version: 6.1.0


  • Support for GOST cryptography in PC Server Signer.
  • Ability to deploy PC Server Signer in a network segment other than PC Server.
  • Licensing mechanism for JCP in PC Server Signer.


  • Added additional metadata to the response of /healthcheck endpoint: (Build timestamp, Build branch)


  • Various bug fixes and minor improvements.

6.0.1 - Initial version