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KEY_PAIR_NOT_GENERATED - Static variable in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCError
Key pair was not generated
KYCAnalyser - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
A component of eKYC which provides a configuration for overall authentication process
KYCAnalyser.Type - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
Type of analyser.
KYCCredentials - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
Credentials required for a specific KYCVerifier
KYCCredentials() - Constructor for class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCCredentials
KYCCredentials.Type - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
Type of credentials
KYCError - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
This class contains information about errors which may occur
KYCInfo - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
Contains information about possible verification paths
KYCManager - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
This class is used to manage lifecycle of KYCSession.
KYCManager() - Constructor for class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
KYCManager.ErrorCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.GetPCUserCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.KYCInfoCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.OCRResultsCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.SessionCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.SessionStatusCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.StartVerificationCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.StatusHistoryCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCManager.UploadMediaCallback - Interface in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCMediaSourceType - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
Sources which required to perform the remote identification
KYCOCRRetriever - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
A type of component which performs optical character recognition
KYCOCRRetriever.Type - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCSession - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
This class represents a particular session (roughly speaking, a particular process of identity verification).
KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
Extended information about the session, which can be extracted by calling KYCManager
KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus.VerifierStatus - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
KYCSession.SessionStatus - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
Current status of the session.
KYCSessionHistoryItem - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
An item which represents a separate status in a history of session statuses.
Apart from bare KYCSession.SessionStatus representing the status itself, this object contains a reason of the status, and the time when the status was received
KYCSessionParams - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
Describes parameters which will be used to create a session
KYCSessionParams(KYCAnalyser.Type, KYCVerifier.Name, List<KYCVerifier.Name>, KYCOCRRetriever.Type) - Constructor for class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSessionParams
Creates fully specified session params
KYCSessionParams() - Constructor for class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSessionParams
Creates empty session params
KYCVerifier - Class in tech.paycon.kyc
This class represents a verifier - a component of eKYC which checks authenticity of your personal details (e.g., your passport).
KYCVerifier.Name - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
Names of used verifiers
KYCVerifier.VerifierStatus - Enum in tech.paycon.kyc
Status of the verification.
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