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getAnalyserType() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
Gets type of analyser which is responsible for verification of uploaded data
getAnalysesResults() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Results of the documents analysis or null if the information is not available.
getAppExtra() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Additional information that the app might have passed while creating session.
getAppExtra() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
Extra information provided by the application as a JSON-string (if applicable)
getCreatedAt() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Timestamp in milliseconds when the session was created
getDeviceInfo() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Information about the device initialed the session or null if this information is not available
getErrorCode() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCError
In case, the type of error is KYCError.SERVICE_ERROR, this method returns error code from service.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCError
In case, the type of error is KYCError.SERVICE_ERROR, this method returns error message from service
getMessage() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCError
Fairly informative message describing what has happened
getOCRResults(KYCSession, KYCManager.OCRResultsCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
Gets results of OCR procedure.
getPcKycConnectorUrl() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
An URL to connect with KYC connector.
getPcSystemId() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
ID of the PC system which is / will be used to issue the keys or null if the ID is unknown
getPCUser(KYCSession, KYCManager.GetPCUserCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
Retrieves a PC key from server and returns PCUser object ready to be used in the app.
getPublicKey() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
Public key generated on the device to start a session
getReason() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSessionHistoryItem
A numeric value if the reason
getRequiredSources(KYCSession, KYCManager.SessionCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
Gets required sources from server which must be uploaded again to succeed OCR
getRequiredSources() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
getSessionId() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
Returns session id which is assigned by the server the first time session is opened
getSessionStatus(KYCSession, KYCManager.SessionStatusCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
Retrieves the current status of the session
getSessionStatus() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
The current status of the session presented by one of possible KYCSession.SessionStatus values.
getStatus() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
Last acquired status from KYCManager
getStatus() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSessionHistoryItem
A non-null value of the status, one of KYCSession.SessionStatus
getStatusHistory(KYCSession, KYCManager.StatusHistoryCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
Retrieves the history of statuses for a particular session
getSystemId() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession
PC System identifier (if applicable)
getTime() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSessionHistoryItem
Time when the status was acquired
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Timestamp in milliseconds when the session was last updated or 0 if it has not been changed since it was created for the first time
getVerifier() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Verifier selected for the verification.
getVerifiers(KYCSession, KYCManager.VerifiersListCallback) - Static method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCManager
Gets the list of available verifiers.
getVerifierStatus() - Method in class tech.paycon.kyc.KYCSession.ExtendedSessionStatus
Current status for selected verifier
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