PCSDKModule Documentation

Class PCUsers​Manager

public final class PCUsersManager  

Creates and manages PCUser objects



public static var users: [PCUser]  

Returs all users stored on the device


public static var fingerprint: String  

Unique fingerprint for the device



public static func importUser(
        from string: String
    ) throws -> PCUser  

Creates the new user by importing the data from a string


string String

Should contain the user's data. Supports JSON, XML and Plain Text formats


The new PCUser object or nil if source is incorrect


public static func activate(
        user: PCUser,
        using code: String
    ) throws  

Activates a non-activated user using an activation code

If user is already activated nothing will happen.


user PCUser

User to be activated

code String

Activation code


PCError.invalidActivationCode if the activation code is wrong


public static func submit(
        password: String,
        for user: PCUser
    ) throws  

Prepares the user for signing operations and changes the isReadyToSign property to true.

The user must be activated before submiting the password. You can check the activation by reading the isActivated property which must be true.


password String

The user's password

user PCUser

The user to be ready to sign


PCError.invalidPassword if the password is wrong


public static func register(
        user: PCUser,
        deviceToken: String?,
        pushNotificationsService: PushNotificationsService = .apns,
        keysProcessor: KeysProcessor? = nil,
        targetQueue: DispatchQueue = .main,
        completion: @escaping (_ result: Result<RegistrationResult, Error>) -> Void

Registers the user on the PayContol server and returns registration result

Registers public key, deviceToken for Push Notifications and the device's fingerprint


user PCUser

The user to be registered

device​Token String?

The device's token for PUSH-notifications

push​Notifications​Service Push​Notifications​Service

The service for push notifications. Default is APNS.

keys​Processor Keys​Processor?

The keys processor where keypair will be generated

target​Queue Dispatch​Queue

The queue where a closure will be invoked on

completion @escaping (_ result:​ Result<Registration​Result, Error>) -> Void

A closure to be invoked after finishing registration


Returns RegistrationResult when success. Otherwise, returns error


public static func registerExtAuthTemplate(
        _ template: PCExtendedAuthTemplate,
        user: PCUser,
        targetQueue: DispatchQueue = .main,
        completion: @escaping (_ result: Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)  

Registers an extended authentication template for a user


template PCExtended​Auth​Template

A template object

user PCUser

The user to be registered a template for

target​Queue Dispatch​Queue

The queue where a closure will be invoked on

completion @escaping (_ result:​ Result<Void, Error>) -> Void

A closure to be invoked after finishing registration


Returns nothing when success. Otherwise, returns error


public static func store(
        user: PCUser,
        name: String? = nil,
        password: String? = nil) throws  

Stores the user in the storage

This method provides several possibilities:

  • Adding the new user. You must provide the imported user object, name and the password. If the name property is nil — the new name will be generated automatically by using the systemName property or by adding a suffix with a number.

  • Updating the existing user's data. Provide either the new name or the new password, or both. Updating the password requires invoking submitPassword method before.


user PCUser

PCUser object to be stored

name String?

User's name

password String?

User's password


Can throw PCError.internalError if there are problems with CoreData or Keychain


public static func delete(
        user: PCUser) throws  

Deletes the user in the storage


user PCUser

PCUser object to be deleted


Can throw PCError.internalError if there are problems with CoreData or Keychain


public static func renew(
        user: PCUser,
        keysProcessor: KeysProcessor? = nil,
        targetQueue: DispatchQueue = .main,
        completion: @escaping (_ result: Result<PCUser, Error>) -> Void)  

Renews user

Renewing the user requires invoking submitPassword method before.


user PCUser

PCUser to be renewed

keys​Processor Keys​Processor?

The processor to sign renew operation

target​Queue Dispatch​Queue

The queue where a closure will be invoked on

completion @escaping (_ result:​ Result<PCUser, Error>) -> Void

A closure to be invoked after renewing


Returns instance of renewed PCUser when success. Otherwise, returns error


public static func getCertificateInfo(
        user: PCUser,
        targetQueue: DispatchQueue = .main,
        completion: @escaping (_ result: Result<PCCertificateInfo, Error>) -> Void)  

Gets certificate info for the provided user


user PCUser

PCUser the certificate info should be get for.

target​Queue Dispatch​Queue

The queue where a closure will be invoked on

completion @escaping (_ result:​ Result<PCCertificate​Info, Error>) -> Void

A closure to be invoked after renewing


Returns PCCertificateInfo object or error